

Slin's smile widened and he sat down on the wide sofa facing the side of the bed, his hands coming to rest on his thighs.

"Ah… welcome to my quarters," he finally spoke, his nerves easing as he spread out his hands. "It's nothing much as it's a temporary stay—"

I fought back the chuckle that was about to burst from within. "I know. And it's fine… When did you arrive?" I asked him after just taking a few more sips of the water presented to me.

"Just a week before." His smile faded a fraction and a serious glimmer slipped into his eyes. "Aside from our rulers and a few attendants… I arrived with my mother and brother."

I was about to question why he looked so troubled in that regard, but upon closer inspection, I could tell this was out of the ordinary, along with the frustrated lisp of his word when mentioning his mother.

"The high priestess?" I asked him.

He nodded.