

"Hello," I greeted as we had secluded to the tiled verandah, with—Fashire's mother—inside Paloma's body, leaning against one of the pillars. 

She crossed her arms and stared fixedly at me. She wasn't much taller than I was, but with the slight arch of her back and neck, she seemed used to an even 'taller' figure. 

It disturbed me to even think about it, but her piercing eyes were interesting. 

She silently studied me, trying to figure me out and when we stood long enough in the still quiet, the last of the guests trailed into the hall and the doors closed shut. There were a number of other presences in the vicinity, but it seemed the King wouldn't wait for the rest. 

As she wasn't saying anything, I decided to start the conversation. I couldn't be wrong, especially with Fashire's reaction. And from her body language, it seemed as if she wondered why a human she couldn't place was talking to her… if that was what I was in the first place.