

I resigned to sleep on the bed, shoes, dress and all. When I woke up, the feelings that swelled within me made me feel as if invisible weights rolled off my shoulders. 

And I couldn't say I hated it per se, but I felt incredibly guilty. 

Why was I even doing any of this? What was I doing it for? 

My chest tightened as I thought of father. I loved him. I loved him dearly, but he himself didn't want to put me through this. So why did u still have to? 

The extension I conversed with wasn't the man who raised or loved me. He didn't even know what had really happened. 

My life had been content for most of my childhood, and after he had fallen sick and I had started working, life just seemed to pass by. Then I get taken by Fashire and pulled through an agonising experience only to complete a task I hadn't even asked for. 

Something that I didn't even know about.