

I don't think I would ever get used to the beast I was seeing before me. Why was he so angry? Because they didn't listen to his authority? That was why he saw the need to torture them?! 

I still found that hard to believe that was why he did this. It was out of character, even for him to take things to this extent just because of authority. I have seen the way the other Lords had treated him… 

What was I even thinking? Out of character? I haven't known him for that long and from the standoffish expression many of the nobles showed, this was nothing new. The fear however was a new experience for them. If they had been wary in the past they were afraid now. 

Fashire didn't even bat an eye or even look my way when I called out to him, but at that moment, his cold demeanour slipped and the concern that emanated from him rendered me silent. 

No. No. No.