

One moment I was speaking to him, and the next, the sofa was empty as if he hadn't been there in the first place.

'Oh, my lord.'

Fashire had just stormed out of the chamber right after my words. Irritated, I rushed after him only to be intercepted at the very entrance of the wing. I slammed into his chest and staggered back to steady myself just as he jerked away from me, annoyance evident in his features as he glared down at me, his back an inch away from the large double doors leading out to a small barren courtyard.

"What do you think you're doing?" he hissed.

"Do you even have to ask? I want to see what you'll do. I don't trust that you'd just let them—" I bit back but he cut me off, his brow twitching as his lips turned down in an even deeper frown.

"I won't blame you for your low view of me, but your interference is completely unnecessary," he said through his teeth.