Chapter 7

293 AC Chataya Brothel

Petyr Baleish POV

One of hidden stashes are burned to the ground by wildfire that place has atleast 300 thousand Gold dragons, hidden on it along with one of the Valyrian Dagger. I was able to steal from the Red Keep Vault. Now all gone damn it that from what the Janos told me, was that the dead guard was using that place to hide his victims. around 10 dead bodies buried on the courtyard. Damn it anyone of these girls relative is now a suspect. but the alchemist never sold the wildfire whoever used them must have stolen it fron somewhere else.

Serena POV

bad luck is really tied to good luck.

I thought I was a goner when I was kidnapped. but it is a good thing Carlos was there to save me. We also found 300 Gold Dragons hidden along with the 20 Thousand Gold Dragons on the guards sack, we also found a Valyrian Dagger.

For now the soap production continues but we need to protect ourself being called a smallfolk is getting us nothing but becoming prey to this predatory nobles. It is a good thing the New Year Tourney is coming. I need to get us acknowledge by the Nobility.

Carlos POV 9 months later

Serena is riding me hard, she actually hired three sell swords as my sparring partner. she told me I need to become an acknowledge Noble and make connections. so we can protect ourselves though we have money now, we do not know when will someone decides to take advantage of us again.

Today is the day I picked up my Katana it took a few tries until the blacksmith was able to create my Katana I told them this is a YiTi design and it took 8 months for them to recreate it though it is still not that great it is barely passable as I can now cut the meat with the it.

Serena has then informed that I must take riding lessons as she has signed me up for all three events I told her I thought only Knights can joust. in which she told me you are a Knight my Father Knighted you before he passed away you will now be addressed as Ser Carlos Luna Knight of House Darklyn I already have the papers I paid 100 gold for this so now you must represent our house and let them know that House Darklyn is still here.

Dontos Hollard POV

I saw Serena forcing a hedge knight to sign the papers as a witness of the knighting. she even paid a drunk septon to seal the document.

I must find out whoever this man she has worked herself to make a noble. My sweet Serena endangering herself she must have been the one supporting this man as well.

I must find the man and kill him as Serena's father promised her to be my wife on her 16 nameday but without the papers for bethrothal between his father and my father I cannot force her to live with me especially now that she has ties with the merchant trading group. oh she must have been working herself to the bone to support this man