Chapter 8

294 AC Kings Landing

So the tourney is finally here Serena worked so hard to get us acknowledge as Noble now is the time to show everyone who we are.

During the Archery competition. after sizing up my opponent I have decided to bet 10 thousand on myself, as I was confident that I could win without big names like Angus and Jalabar Xho I knew I could win.

After 4th round. I felt winded damn their stamina. I was about to quit till I saw my workers giving the other competitors a drink and I knew this was not from the goodness of their heart.

When I finally notice they were missing their targets and all of a sudden I won.

Allowing me to win 10 thousand gold dragons as a prize along with 100 thousand gold dragons via gambling

Serena POV

I won 300 thousand Gold Dragons Carlos was an underdog with a 10 to 1 odds how could I let go of such an easy money

Dontas Hollard POV

Serena resorting to working at a gambling den to support this man good thing I found him Carlos Luna I will kill him at the melee tomorrow

Carlos POV

I felt a shudder all of a sudden anyway time to celebrate. I just won some money I was on the way to celebrate in Chataya when Serena and the kids surrounded me

are you planning to go to Chataya Serena said

No I was just talking a stroll

Good cause if my bethrothed is found galivanting in a whore house, I will have to kill you for shaming me Serena said.

But we are not really bethrothed

In everyone eyes we are and that is what matters she said

Anyway give me half of your winnings and give the kids 3000 gold dragons for their effort she said

I gave her 5000 thousand gold dragons and the kids 3000 dragons then she told me where is the rest I said half right

but I said this is half of the Prize money

then she scowls at me at tells me since you lied to your bethrothed now I demand 90 percent of your winnings she then ordered the kids to hold me while she grabbed the voucher for 100 thousand gold dragons to be collected and told the kids to escort me home as she will come back to give me my 10 thousand gold dragons.