Chapter 26

296 AC Sea star Manse

A Huge feast is happening in the Manse today Serena has gathered every member of the company and have specific instructions Grenn is now temporary commander of the Moon Swords whose only objective is to protect our merchants. while Helga is acting head of our Merchant Group and fleet with specific instruction to expand everywhere except westeros as we will only maintain status quo there. as we will be gone for 2 possible 3 years at most Serena was planning eveything 5 galleons will come with us Serena tha Fair, Serena the Graceful, Serena the Elegant, Serena the Wise and Carlos Firebolt

I was thinking if Serena loves herself too much with all the names wonderful monicker of her While I was still stuck with Firebolt.

The feast was Grand everyone was drunk and there is even a drunk septon, I do not know where does Serena gets these Septon. Serena gave me a lot of wine and urged me to keep drinking then asked me to stand up with her. The septon was mumbling something in which I can no longer understand then Grenn gave me a ring to put in Serena Hand. with me being drunk and dizzy just followed Grenn orders after a few mumbling Serena Kiss me all of the sudden then I blacked out.

----Lemon Warning-----

This is a nice dream

This woman kept teasing me so I have decided to drag her into my room and ripped her clothes off.

When I touched her breast it felt soft it has been a while. since I feel the touch of a woman. That I decided to lick her pussy. The I rammed my cock into her wet pussy she was shaking. Then I saw some blood, It seems I took her maidenhood. I felt exhilirated so I thrusted her again and again.

Then everything went hazy again I was carrying her like a Salt wife into my ship then she rode me like a horse. Then we made love at the ship crows eye.

Then it went dark

----- Lemond End------

When I woke up I was inside the Cabin of Serena the Fair and it is now leaving port. How long was I out. Maybe I was dreaming that there was a feast.

Serena POV

The moment Carlos asked for a trip I was livid. he just asked me for a honeymoon, so I have made our marriage official infront of everyone in Bravoos. Carlos being unable to hold his Liquor as usual was drunk during the enitre wedding festivities. I even rode him like a horse and even though he was drunk we still made love a couple of times. I did not know he was adventurous in bed we kept moving places during the love making.

He has magic fingers and tongue I thought men will only insert their cock and it was done but the thing he did in which he called foreplay was amazing.

I had to stay in a different ship for a while for I need to sleep after that night.

Helga POV

Grenn is master drunk the entire time.

Yes sister he was already drinking since morning the men was giving him liquor and whores were dancing in front of him.

That explains everything if Master knows he just got married he will be pissed off.

Did the Milady not informed the Master Grenn said

Milady plans a surprised wedding just like the surprise birthday she got from Master.

Why did master suddenly kissed Lady Serena and suddenly took her to bed then Helga asked

Because those Dothraki kept having sex during the feast.That made Master insane he must have thought a whore was infront of him Grenn said

He will have a nightmare if he knows it is Milady he Married and bedded with how he sees her as a sibbling and all Helga said