Chapter 27

296 AC Pentos

We made a quick stop at Pentos sinced Serena had to finalisized some deals with Illyrio Mopatis about him renting our ships to ferry his goods.

While they are talking I have decided to take a walk in the Garden when I saw her (Game of thrones Henry Tudor) Daenerys Targaryen. I was giggling like a fan boy while approaching her.

The moment she saw me she smiled as I acknowledge her.

Good day Milady. I am Ser Carlos Luna sellsword

Good day Ser, May I inquire as to what you are doing here she said.

My partner have some business with Illyrio Mopatis I was just wandering in the Gardens when I saw you. I saw she was a bit sad so I told her stories and tries to make her laugh.

Serena POV

The talks with that fat lecher is finally over.

He wants me to pledge my ships, coins and arms to their quest . he does not even provide me any details as to whom we shall pledge. I am not born yesterday.

Where is Carlos we need to leave and continue our honeymoon I should not waste my time here

After walking to the gardens she heard some giggling.

Is that Carlos who is he talking to? Silver hair I know he misses me for we have been spending a few days apart. but what can I do I am still sore all over. now he is compensating with any Silver hair trallop.

Carlos POV

Carlos!!!! Serena said.

Oh Serena this is.

Enough!! our business is done we need to leave Serena said.

Farewell Milady we will meet again another time

Farewell good Ser (while smiling) Daenerys said.

Serena POV

Are you now planning to replace me with that Silver haired girl.

What where did you come up with that we have been together as long as I remember why should I leave you Carlos said.

Really you would not replace me

Of course I won't we have been at each others back for a long time and there is no one I would trust my back other than you Serena Carlos said

I hugged him that night while crying I slept in his arms that night he took me to his room and Slept beside him like always.

Carlos POV

I just noticed Serena is really pretty tonight. I am already controlling myself not to take advantage of her kindness but she always sleeps beside me So I imagine I am sleeping beside my mother just to be safe.