298 AC Grassy Vale next day
Carlos POV
I have prepared my men for battle since they outnumber me and the field seems perfect my strategy was the same as Hannibal on the Battlr of Cannae with Barristan leading the Cavalry Grey worm on the Center Daenerys Dothraki and me on the wings we have a perfect crescent formation
Jorah has left with some last night to position on the rear of the enemy.
I know that with Randyl and Kevan as commander the enemy cannot be tricked to attack so upon the dawn I ordered to impale Tywin and Varys and all the highborn Reach and Westerlands Nobles we have captured along with Lancel and Loras.
This enraged the enemy and started to rush to the battle such morons.
Randyll Tarly POV
I dread I felt when I saw all those highborn nobles impaled Mace led the reach to attack breaking our formation it is a good thing we overwhelm them as it seems their center is being pushed back.
but what is this dread i felt when all of sudden screams are being heard from behind I tried to rally the men to secure our rear but we cannot move it seems that we are surrounded some men cannot even move their sword arm and they just dying after being skewered and stabbed this is a massacre.
Serena POV
Carlos the impaler they called my husband as it seems he has defeated 120 thousand men
and ordered to impale the surving 30 thousand all of the Reach Vale and Westerland noble on the army has been wiped out it. the Bloody Forest of the Grassy Vale as they called all the impaled men.
The remaining nobles of the Reach Vale and Westerland all children has surrendered and my husband told me to absorb all of them under the crown it seems after this war only the north and dorne will have lord paramounts as the Frey are too scared and have retreated to the twins with the rest of the riverlords surrendered to us as well.
Margery Tyrell POV
My maiden has finally been taken but not like this I saw the man who took my maiden plowing my mother and telling us we are now his cum bucket that we only live to pleasure him yes we become the personal whore of this man all because my father said some stupid words even my grandmother was not spared after she open her mouth and spew some strong words Lord Carlos orders his men to put my grandmother mother to better use as I saw his guards using all the holes of my grandmother.no other ladies of the defeated army suffer this treatment he even allowed Garlan's Wife who is pregnant to return to brightwater keep but Garlan and Wyllas will be join the night watch while my father after being used by the guards as well was impaled and become part of the bloody forest. he claimed that highgarden now belong to him.