Jon Snow The North 308 AC
10 years ago after the Battle of Grassy Vale Sansa Stark has arrived with an army beside her the Impaler and army of the Free City of Hardhome has joined the march it seems they are close with Ser Carlos as Val has been going in and out of the commander tent the northern lord bent the knee to Sansa as Lord Carlos declares that Sansa Stark is now Princess of the North as the last of the two remaining paramounts they have given the title princess when we asked about the ironborn Lord Carlos just said what ironborn they are now extinct same as the pirates of stepstones and three sister. it seems the Velaryons has taken over all the islands with the power of the ships provided by the Hand of the Queen now called Chancellor
When the northern nobles asked for Sansa hand in marriage she simply said no need as the heir of winterfell is now in my belly everyone understood the way she looked at Lord Carlos he is the father yet when SmallJon was about to open his mouth to contest Lord Carlos simply said it seems Winterfell needs a forest as well Lady Sansa do you want to see a different type of forest as I did in the Vale.
with that the lord shut up it seems the dread of lord Carlos is far too strong even the others does not make us shake in fear like this.
Upon reaching winterfell we saw the gates open and roose and his bastard has been captures already we asked hims what happened he just said I like climbing walls assasin creed style
whatever the hell he means it got us our home and he told me since the others are defeated
the queen now called Empress made me a stark and a lord of queenscrown
Sansa was smiling with that proclamation but before the feast began he called all in the god woods all the nobles of the north and there we saw why he was feared all the frey and bolton men skins was torn their ribs open he called this blood eagle and from this day 10 years from then The north remebers the blood eagle