
The next day, Meera woke up early and clean the house, Aditya tells her to call a cleaner, and other services for household work but she refused anyways this house is not so large and they are using just three rooms so it will not take much time,  after cleaning she quickly take a bath and Cook breakfast.



   At this time Aarav also wakes up and also take the bath, she then takes a photo of breakfast and sends it to Aditya saying that she makes it at home, and it is very healthy so it is okay to eat outside someday, she doesn't think he will reply but reply come quickly saying good.


    She hmphed and ignore the message, after that she and Aarav wear matching clothes, and click some selfies, she already researched a lot on how to take a better selfie, it is her first photo with the child, after that, she also ordered a polaroid camera, she like this type of camera so much and wanted it from a long time now her dream come true.


              After clicking some photos, she changes clothes again wear home clothes, and made lunch, cooking for two people doesn't take much time, so she made more dishes just to show off, after sending a photo of lunch Meera and Aarav eat happily, Aarav is real foodie, and he likes to follow and help his mom in cooking, so they spend their time happily.


    After eating Meera check her phone and found out that Anuj sends her some photos when she sees the photos she get surprised because, in these photos, Naina is talking with an old man, Meera remember this man is an infamous director, he once offer Meera that if she will sleep with him, he will give her role in three films, Meera even though greedy can't fall for this level, so she refuses.


       Meera doesn't understand what to do, but she decided that she will teach this man a good lesson. But how this is the question.


          After seeing the photos Meera urged Aarav to sleep. Seeing Aarav sleeping her mind once again started to think about revenge. She gets successful in taking revenge in her previous life because first, she is willing to die for that revenge, and second thing due to her contact which she forms in jail.



      After she gets beaten by another prisoner, she also got to know all this was done by the lover of Ravi, but after that some weeks, the jailer got changed, and the new jailer who come is a friendly old man Mr. Khanna.



     Mr . Khanna lost his daughter some year ago, hand e later tells her that she reminds him of his daughter, Mr. Khanna helps her a lot, he also gives her a chance to learn new things, she is very depressed at that time, but still, there is the hidden desire of taking revenge inside of her, so she read a lot of books, and also start observing people.



She is very best at reading people also the jailer told her crime stories, so she also knows how to hide her crime.

           She also gains the trust of one of the lady gangsters. After she gets released from jail, she started to collect info about her husband and his lover, and then slowly makes her plan, with all this help & waiting patiently, and this way she is successful in getting revenge.

So now she can conclude that she doesn't have any special talent. And even the original owner also does not have any special quality except the beauty.

She feels helpless regarding her revenge, but she decided to at least punish Naina, and for that man, she needed to think.

              After thinking for some time she tells Anuj to find more information about both of them, and send it to her while doing this she told him not to get involved, Anuj is also a junior actor and works there as a part-time worker, but not famous, so he knows about this circle, and lots of spot boy and ground-level employees are his friends because his father is one of them.

So finding information is not that difficult for them, but there is one problem is that you are not sure about the authenticity of information and there is the chance that some inside and important information cant available.


   Meera then asks Anuj if his mom is okay on which he told her "Yes mam, surgery is successful, and also my father got a job, so I will return the money to you"

"No need for money, in future,e you need to do some investigation and an assistant level work for me"



"Okay mam, thank you"



                After saying goodbye to Anuj. Meera think about asking help from Aditya but she is not sure if he will help. With frustration, she started to scroll on social media. There she sees some news about Pranjal, who is also an ex-GF of Aditya.



 She googles about Pranjal and even asks the system and searches in her memories, from what she got to know Pranjal is a very successful model and actress, she also has her own company which sells designer clothes, in future, she will start a cosmetics company. She also got to know that Pranjal and Aditya were in a relationship when she is just 18 years old, but they break up after two years, and after that, she dates a very famous movie star, but he recently got married.

                            Meera after reading this realized that there is no chance for Aditya to get revenge for her. He is used to like such nice woman, so there is no chance for him to like her & get revenge for her.

Fuck those stories where ML help the heroine to get revenge. Anyway she will figure it out. Thinking this she also decided to take a nap.





   Here Aditya does not eat breakfast so when he comes to eat brunch he bumps into Pranjal, and that time a reporter click their photo, the photo is taken in a way that they are look like hugging each other, even though Aditya is a businessman, he is quite handsome, he is also famous because his company is one of the famous company, and he donated lots of money yearly, so the photo spread very easily on the internet, and lots of rumor that they are dating again are on the internet.


     If Meera surf on social media for few more minutes she might able to see it. But because she divided to sleep she doesn't see it.



After Aarav wakes up she sees that some food is left because she made too much for lunch so she made simple dinner for them, she also gets a call from her new instructor that he is coming early tomorrow so she decided to sleep early, and also urge Aarav still they end up sleeping late, but they both are too busy in there chatting that they forgot to call Aditya, and even to charge their phone.



       Here Aditya who is waiting for dinner's photo gets upset when he doesn't receive any message, and also his call doesn't reach them, so he check the footage, seeing them alright he is happy, but he doesn't know why Meera who is too friendly in the morning doesn't reply or send photos of dinner, he also finds out that she is looking towards her laptop in the afternoon and look gloomy.


    He doesn't know what she is watching, but when he surfs through social media, he found out the rumors about him and got the answer(which is his misunderstanding).