Aditya & Pranjal

Aditya meets Pranjal on one of the shows in which he is a guest, Pranjal starts her acting career in childhood, at that time she is shooting a daily soap. He gets interested in her after that meeting, she is beautiful, intelligent and even smart, she is so young still she knows what she wants, first, they become friends and in one month they change their relationship from friends to lovers, with his help she starts her film career, she is wonderful actress no doubt, a good dancer and her voice is also too good, but as a lover, she is not so good.



     There is a lot of gossip about her, first Aditya ignores it, but later he also feels something is wrong, he is just 25 years old at that time and did not have any experience on how to handle a situation like this, so he fights with her, he tells her to leave film industry, and tell her to get married to him but she refuses.



         After that they stop talking with each other, that time their business is also facing a bunch of difficulties, he also started to drink and got in an accident, some competitors are attacking his business, and he also fights with his brother, so that time he suffers lots of things.




 At that time Pranjal gets in a relationship with a movie star, previously they never publicly announce their relationship because she tells it is not good for her career but also never deny it, but now she announces her relationship with a movie star so it is directly a breakup.




      He get betrayal not only in relationship but also in business, there are physical injury and other things too, he changes a lot after this incident, he lost his playfulness, he becomes cold, ruthless and a workaholic, previously he work but also enjoy but now he continuously work.



    Sometimes he even doesn't sleep, and even doesn't eat, his health suffers a lot, but it also rewarded him this success, he become super successful person at this young age, also that time he meets Meera, he lost his control that day is because of the drug but also because that day is also the same day when his father died some years ago. That day he is feeling too alone, and sad that he is not alert, so these things happen.


                  When Meera comes with the pregnancy report he wanted to kill her, it is not difficult to vanish an orphan girl from the world who is not even famous, but he wanted his child, he is thinking about adopting or using other medical help to get a child.



    He also knows that this woman is a virgin when they sleep so the child is his, so he decided to fulfill her wish, anyway he knows how to make others suffe, after Aarav's birth he also does a DNA test, and when he confirms Aarav is his child, he is quite happy, from previous some year he doesn't feel this type of happiness, His child is the source of his happiness, all the bitterness in his heart is gone, but it doesn't mean he forgives.




          He doesn't have any relationship with Pranjal, neither does she have, lots of actresses take advantage of the gossip between them, and he never tries to explain according to him truth always comes out, but now he wanted to explain things to his son. He doesn't want to be a scum dad in his son's eyes.


                      He bought a new regional channel right, so tomorrow he has a press conference, he decided to make his relationship public. He also sends a message to his assistant that if there is a film of their company is going to shoot with Pranjal then remove her. After that, he goes to sleep, but tonight is going to be sleepless for him.



                  The next day Meera woke up early and remember that she has a training class at 9 AM, she needed to eat 2 hours before the training, so she quickly takes a bath and made breakfast.



Aarav also woke up early and he also eats with her, at that time she remembers that she doesn't call Aditya so she hurriedly found her phone and see that it is switched off, she charges the phone, when she switches on the phone found out that there are some messages from Sonakshi and Aditya, she calls him and tells him that forgot to charge the phone so Aarav doesn't call him.



  After that, she hurriedly give the call to Aarav. Aditya is expecting a fight but realizes that she is not much affected or at least showing like this, he doesn't know why but feels disappointed. After talking with Aarav for some time he bid a goodbye to them.


                Meera's self-defense class is too hard for her, the teacher wanted to see that is she serious so he today makes it difficult for her, so when the class is over, she is exhausted, she takes Aarav back home and collapses on the bed, Aarav who also do some training but it is not as intense as Meera.




"Mom, why are you learning this?" Aarav can understand his mom's trouble. So he can't help but question her.


"To protect myself and my sweet baby" Meera replied while kissing him.


 "But we already have father and bodyguards then why mom is suffering?" he again question her.


  "Yes, there are bodyguards and others, but if they got in trouble I wanted to be able to protect us especially my sweet & cute baby" Meera replied while kissing him.



      Aarav is quite happy and also sad about this, happy because his mom loves him so much, and sad because his mom needed to do so much hard work, he decided that he will work hard and also become strong so he can protect his mother in future.



                Aarav slowly tries to massage Meera's foot to make her feel relaxed, Meera doesn't expect this and feels too warm she pulls Aarav in her arm and gives him so many kisses, and Aarav feels shy and hides his face in her arms.



    Meera smiled and said that after some rest they will eat something, she already prepared it in the morning so now she doesn't need to do much, they eat lunch after some time and decided to take a nap. She drifted to sleep because of her tiredness, but what she doesn't know is her video of eating panipuri is viral at that time.