Can we talk?

"There is something I wanted to talk

with you, sorry if I disturb your work, if you don't have time then we can talk later," Meera said in a very sheepish voice, listening to this Aditya also calm down. He realized that he overreacts.

"No, you can talk, do you need money, or you....."

"No, no I don't need money, you gave me more than enough. It's just your mom come home today," Meera said while breaking Aditya's sentence, she realized for Aditya thinks she is a gold digger. She feels bad about this but what can she do. Aditya is not wrong in this regard as the original owner is a gold digger.


"So....."Aditya asked while raising his eyebrow. Even though he doesn't talk with his mom, he understands that his mom will never trouble Meera, if Meera is gonna complain then he will gonna fight with this woman. Only because he is talking good with her doesn't mean that he forgives her, or accepts her. And no one can bad mouth about his mom.



"That, Aunty don't look good, I mean I think she is not healthy so I think you should visit her," Meera said while finding good words so that Aditya will understand her point. She understands that he will never trust her because their relationship is not that good.



"Miss Meera only because we make a contract doesn't mean that we are real husband and wife, so you don't need to meddle in my business, also you don't need to pretend to be a good person, you don't have that right, at least talking about what should I do with my mom," Aditya said in anger, he hate his mom, and Meera knows this, so now why this woman is acting like this, he wanted to tear her facade.



"You are right I am not a good person, and yes it is not good to talk about this type of matter, because I am an orphan right, I don't understand you children with parents, but one thing which I have the right to tell you and which you can't deny is, I am feeling sympathy towards your mom because I also give birth to a child so I understand how much painful experience it is, it literally takes your life, and after this pain, the mom only wants to see her child happy.

I understand that parents make mistakes, see at me, maybe I use my child but from bottom of my heart, I never wanted to Aarav feel any pain, parents may be wrong but their intention for their children is never wrong " Meera remember the fights she has with her mother and now suddenly she feels guilty.



     Her mom works very hard for their family and in return, Meera doesn't do much only complaining and sometimes fighting, remembers that Meera realized that she doesn't have any right to talk about this but she wanted to save Anjali.


But now she understands that she won't have any power so she hangs up the phone and covers her mouth so she can control her tears.

    She remembered how her mom keep good things for Meera and her brother. How her mom works 18/19 hours so her children get an education. She also remembers the bad things she had done in her previous life. Thinking about all this she can't help but cry more bitterly, if she can see her mom again she will try her best to give her happiness.



       Meera often forgot that while we are getting old our parents are also getting old and at that time they also need us. But now she learns her lesson.

     Here Aditya also is in deep thought, it is not like he doesn't care about his mother, it is just there are some things that a person can't let go of. He can't forgive this woman who is the cause of his father's death. But he also understands that his mom is not a bad person. And his dad never wanted him to act like this.



     He started the Cameras which he installed in the house where Meera and Aarav live, he just wanted to see if Meera is okay. Previously he never care for her, because he considers that giving money can make her happy but now he realizes that this girl is too pitiful.



    He is the person who was born with a golden spoon, he has a father and mother who can protect him. Even after his father's death, he gets protected by his mother and the trustworthy people of his father. His mom loves him and he has lots of money. With his status, no one dare to bully him. He never knows what is hunger or what it is to be an orphan. He is more privileged, Unlike this girl who needs to struggle for her end needs.



    Aditya opens the footage and sees Meera crying very badly and his mood is also somewhat gets affected due to this.