
Aditya remembers those memories which he wanted to forget, his father Ram is the most gentle person ever, but he has his secrets, his father is bisexual and he loves a man since his college days, but he is the only heir of his family, his mom pressurize him to get married.


 So he somewhat unwillingly marrieds Anjali, who is Aditya's mom, Anjali comes from an upper-middle-class family, Ram tells Anjali about his sexuality and also about his love,  Ram has a simple plan in his mind that is to marry Anjali, give her all the happiness as he can with money, give birth to a child, and then help her find a good life partner and with that he can divorce her, after giving birth to a child, he can live happily with his boyfriend.



      But the problem occurs here, his mom meets his boyfriend Amar and brainwashed him that Ram is cheating on him, listening to this his boyfriend break up with him.



 Ram first doesn't get the reason, and also his mom creates some events which make him believe that Amar aka his boyfriend is cheating on him. After that breakup Ram concentrated on his business, At that time Anjali give birth to Aditya after that in four years, Aniket was also born, and they are a happy family of four.



Anjali also forgot about her husband's sexuality. But that year, his father again meets Amar,  they turn into enemies now, but again due to fate, their misunderstanding gets clear.



            Ram only loves Amar with all his heart, and Amar is also the same. They decided now not to waste time, Ram understands that he is guilty of Anjali, and for that, he will compensate her with whatever she wants, but at that time Anjali is in love with Ram, and she does not agree to divorce him.



They constantly battle with each other, Ram spends most time with Amar, three years passed like that.

      Aditya remembers that day is Ani's fourth birthday and that night both Anjali and Ram fight with others, Aditya is Ram's favorite, so he is quite close to him, that night he sees his father crying and begging Anjali for divorce but Anjali refuses. Ram that night get drunk and get in an accident, the accident is too terrible that he lost his life in this.


    Aditya understands that his mom is not completely guilty but if his mom agreed to give divorce to Ram he might survive, and the future might be different, he understands his father is also at fault, but he never hides anything from his mom, and even help her often, so why mom act like this with him.




If she loves him why not let him go. He thinks that his mom is selfish, there is also another thing that is his mom treated Ani very gently while he is the one who gets ignored by her.


       The relationship between them started to worsen at that time, he always feels that she is the reason why his father is not in this world, but now as a grown-up person he understands that his mom is also not wrong, but he can say that he doesn't understand what to do with his relationship with his mom.


          He doesn't understand what he does is right or wrong, but now he wanted to share it with someone, and that someone is none other than Meera, he doesn't know why but he wanted to let Meera know that he is also not different from her. He is also an orphan.


  "Hello" Aditya heard Meera's voice which is hoarse due to crying.

"Can we talk?" Aditya asks in his usual voice, but Meera thinks that he wanted to cancel his contract which is not good for her. After all, if she leaves this house then how can she will protect Aarav.


"I am sorry for my rude behavior" Meera decided to apologize.

"I don't think you need to say sorry, I think what you say also makes sense"



"hmmm" Meera don't know what to say and decided to go with the flow

"Should I tell you something?" Aditya asked her.

"Yes sure," Meera replied. After that he tells her everything in his mind, he is not scared that Meera might expose this to the outside, first, he can even handle that situation and if that happens then he might make Meera disappear from the world, but seeing her interaction with Aarav in these days, he doesn't think she will do something like that.


     Meera listens to everything and somewhat gets shocked. The first reason for this is, that she never thinks that Aditya will tell her something so personal, the second is she doesn't understand how to talk about this matter with Aditya because according to her Anjali doesn't have many faults in this all situation.



"So?"Aditya questioned her after some time.

"So what?" Meera replied.

"What do you think? do you think I am childish, or I am a bad son? You must think my dad cheated on his ex and my mom right?" Aditya asked her, Meera can guess he is feeling really bad.



"No, do you want to know what I feel about this?"Meera questioned.

"Yes please," Aditya replied, He doesn't know why he even asked a woman who does not even have enough IQ or EQ like him, but he still wanted to know what will others think about this.


"We can't able to say that someone is wrong or someone is right. After all the weight on every shoulder is different in this world, everyone has their privilege and their obstacles, getting jealous, envious, judgemental, or angry about that doesn't make any sense,




we don't know how we will react in that situation if we are them, so judging someone is the dumbest thing we can do, and also it is the most cruel thing for them.


 So Neither I will judge you nor your mom, but I think you should forgive your mom because she directly doesn't kill your dad, and she never has that intention, she loves your dad, and the way she reacts is only to protect the love, she also must be feeling very guilty all these years, so why not forgive her.


        And talking about her love for you, I don't think you doubt that, and I also I have one assumption should I speak it?"



"Why bother to ask for permission?"Aditya asked in a plain tone, Meera was not able to guess his mood due to this tone but she decided to continue.



"I think you already forgive her it is just your ego which is not permitting you to talk with them, but ego with parents is no good, even though she does something wrong, she is the one who give you birth to you, she endures all the pain for you, she loves you unconditionally so I think you should at least once talk to her and tell her that you forgive her, life is too short, maybe you will regret one day that you waste your time"




"..." Aditya doesn't speak, he realized that Meera is way more mature than he thinks, he doubts his talent in understanding people, also he doesn't understand what to say, he is indeed not as much as angry with his mom.


 Sometimes he also wanted to remind her to take care of herself, but as Meera says his ego does not allow him.



      Meera who doesn't hear anything thinks that Aditya might be angry with her, she is in dilemma about saying sorry, she doesn't do anything wrong, but making Aditya angry is not a good choice. While she is thinking she heard Aditya saying Thank you.


"Thank you for what?" she questioned,

"You will know your answer tomorrow, for now, you should sleep it is getting late" Aditya commanded her, Meera who is still confused, realizes that one hour passed since they are talking, she has training tomorrow so she needs to sleep, so she said good night and decided to sleep.


         Talking about those uneasy thoughts they are still in her mind, she also remembers how rudely she treats her mother, so if she gets the chance to go back, she will become a good daughter. Thinking this she decided to sleep.