Interesting Day

Aditya realized that Meera is shy, he can't help but want to laugh, this woman already does something too shameless with him, but anyway he finds her face cute. So he decided to tease her.

"I will massage your back and then go to sleep," Aditya said while teasing Meera. Meera doesn't understand what to do, if he acts like this she can't help but do something embarrassing. Seeing Meera's red face and pitiful look he decided to leave this matter.

"Okay, okay I will not force you, but still if you feel like you need a massage then wake me up," Aditya said while pinching her nose on which Meera nodded because she is not even able to speak, after all, Aditya is too seductive


        The next day, both Aditya and Meera wake up very late, it is Aditya who first wakes up, he has the habit of waking up at 5 AM and doing his morning workout. But when he wakes up he sees Meera is somewhat hugging him, he remembers their yesterday's conversation, and he realizes that Meera is way more different, her previous behavior which he considers uncultured and selfish, now looks like self-protecting behavior, he decided that he will try his best to give her happiness, after all his only happiness is due to this woman, while he is thinking this, Meera again move and hug him completely. The clothes she wear yesterday are somewhat out of place, and even though he is not a hot-blooded teenager, still it somewhat started to flame the desire inside him.

          He realized the change in his body, and push Meera lightly, after that he covers her with their blanket, and decided to take a cold shower. He suddenly regretted spending time with her, because as you spend time with someone you started to get addicted to that person, but there is no way he can fall for Meera.

          After taking bath he comes outside and sees that Meera is now hugging his pillow, oh so he is just a replacement, thinking this he gives a dry laugh and decided to take a walk, but while he is getting ready, Meera wakes up.

"Good morning" Meera greeted Aditya in a sleepy voice. She somehow manage to sit up and started to rub her eyes, this Meera is way too adorable.

"Good morning, you can sleep more," Aditya said looking at her sleepy appearance.

"Okay," Meera replied and goes to sleep again. Aditya can't help but laugh at her actions, his Aarav is a replica of this woman, so he gets his cuteness from Meera, but wait why he is thinking Meera is cute?

          Anyway he decided to ignore this matter, and go outside to take a walk, it is the place where he spend his summer vacation with his family, he can't help but remember those days, he sits on a bench remembering those old days when he plays with his little brother Avi and his father. He can't help but start crying.

"missing your father?" Aditya suddenly heard the voice of Meera and looks towards her, he is somewhat embarrassed due to his crying. Before he can wipe his tears, Meera comes near him and wipes them. After his son, it is Meera who is touching his face, he doesn't like people touching him, but today he doesn't feel disgusted by Meera's touch, insisted he somewhat feels good.

"Missing my family" Aditya replied.

"Hmm," Meera said while sitting near him.

"Do you ever think about your biological parents or try to find them?" Aditya questioned her.

"No" Meera replied.

"don't you feel curious about them"

"I don't know, First when I am a child, I need to struggle for survival, when I reach at 18 I need to struggle for earning money, and after I get married I don't think about finding them, I wanted to enjoy all the luxury which I get from money, You know I see many families near me, which are either fighting or either they are not cherishing it, so I don't think there is any need to finding, and they leave me, so of course, they don't want me right? I am an unwanted person" Meera tells him the exact thought of the real Meera, somehow she can feel every emotion of real Meera.

"Aarav wants you"Aditya doesn't know how to comfort her but still decided to try his best.

"I know, can I say something?"


"I think you should cherish your brother and mom, I know you are a very sensible man, and you must have your reasons to act the way you are acting now, but I think it is must be very painful for them, I can see the sorrow of your mom, and I think you also long for their love too"

"I already started to talk with my mom"

"What about your brother" This is the exact reason why Meera is here, she gets the new task of repairing the relationship between Aditya and Avi( Aditya's brother).

"It is him who stop talking with me"

"Oh" Meera doesn't know what to say.

"....I will try" After a long pause Aditya replied to her. He can see that whenever they talk about families, Meera is enthusiastic, like she doesn't want to see any family get separated. The reason must be her loneliness ( which is not the actual reason here though, the reason is her reward).

"that's great," Meera said while hugging him, she is too happy, that she can't help but express her happiness this way, but in just two minutes she realized her mistake and leaves him.

"I am sorry" Meera quickly left him and said in low voice.

"You don't even say sorry when you drug me, what's the matter of hugging me?" Aditay said with a chuckle, he also froze for a minute, but he understand that this is due to her happiness.

"Okay let's go to eat breakfast, Aarav must be waiting for us," Meera said and quickly start walking, Aditya smiled and follow her. The day is going to be very interesting, he thought in his mind.