Making Food

"Why are you here?" Meera questioned.

"Of course to help you" Aditya replied.

"You are really ....." Meera doesn't know what to say, but she feels that having a husband like Aditya is a blessing, even though he doesn't love her, having this type of responsible man in life is something.

      After that they quickly start working, Meera understands that even if they needed to cook for 60 people, she needs to prepare food for at least 80 people, because we can't exactly calculate the appetite of everyone. So she decided to cook extra.

Aditya takes the work of making the dough and cutting the vegetables, with the help of each other they somehow manage to complete the food in the afternoon.

Aditya decided to tell grandpa, to call the people, but to his surprise, people are already present, and what more his grandpa tells him that they need to serve them themselves.



Aditya doesn't understand what his grandpa wanted but again they act according to his wish, he thinks that Meera might get angry, but to his surprise, Meera also started to work with him. Aarav also wanted to help them, but grandpa doesn't allow him, and Even Meera tells him to stay with grandpa. So he is helpless.

          After all, people happily go after eating, Meera and Aditya eat, Aarav also doesn't eat even after many requests from his great-grandpa neither Aditya's grandpa eat, Meera who is so tired that she doesn't even want to eat, but seeing this situation, she eats with them. After eating lunch, grandpa takes Aarav with him, and Aditya and Meera return to the room, even though they both work at the same time, Meera is way more tired. After returning to the room, she quickly goes to lie on the bed.

"Thanks for today" She heard Aditya's word.

"hmmm, for what?" Meera questioned.

"For everything you do today You act like a good mother today," Aditya said.

"You know what, every mom is good, it just some people are you know lazy in nature or greedy, but from the bottom of heart no one want anything bad for their child, and this thing is somewhat difficult, but still doable, but you know what you are the best," Meera says while giving a big smile to Aditya. She realized that she is having a crush on Aditya.

"Huh, why suddenly ....???" Aditya gets somewhat surprised due to this sudden praise.

"Actually before marrying you I never think you will be no so gentleman, you don't cheat on me, you respect me, you give me freedom,  never mistreat me, even though you hate me, you are the best husband material, not only handsome & rich but also the most perfect husband and you can even cook" Meera decided to praise Aditya freely.


After all, this man needs to be praised, because in the morning after eating food every person praises Meera for her good cooking, but half the credit goes to Aditya also.

"I don't think, I deserve so much praise, first I think we should treat everyone with respect, and that's the only right thing to do, and what I do today is for my son, so there is also nothing special in that, but I never think you can manage to cook for so many people and that also perfectly" Aditya also decided to praise Meera for her good work.

"I will try my best to become the good mom, but please forgive me if I do something wrong, you can also scold me but please try to understand that I will never have a bad intention for my son" Meera decided to say this because in future she might do something unpredictable so she is telling him to advance.

"You are already doing your best I can say you are a good mom and today you manage very well"

"Thank you, but that is also due to luck, and your help, anyway is Mr. Aditya mind doing me a favor"

"What is that?"

"Can you call someone to give my back a massage, I work so much continuously after a long time, which is giving me backache, and it is terrible"

"I will see"

"Thank you" Meera replied, and quickly turn to her side. She now really wanted to sleep. Aditya goes downstairs, but realized that now people are already gone back, he decided to give her a massage himself, after all, he is her husband, thinking this he return and started to awkwardly start to massage her back which is somewhat patting, Meera also gets surprised due to this sudden soft touch.

"What are you doing?"

"No one is here, so I think it will be best if I give you a message," Aditya said while scratching his head, which looks too cute, Meera can't help but feel attracted to Aditya, how can someone be so nice.

"thank you, but no need, you also must be tired so I will take medicine and you also go and sleep" Meera replied. Meera refuses because she is worried that she will lose control. And turn her face. It is really hard to live with such Adonis.