Large & Loving Family

Meera after a lot of thinking decided to make something special dish for him. She realize that Aarav likes to eat halwa, so she decided to make it for him. And also decided to draw a greeting card for him. Nothing special, but this is the only thing which she can make for him.


Here Avinash after posting the official statement of his sexuality call his agent and also the director and producer of the film which he is doing now. He is not worried about the advertisement and endorsement he is offered or he take because there is no term or condition about announcing or hiding his sexuality

His agent has not much to say, and the director too, but the producer tries to argue with Avinash, on which Avinash offers him to act without taking money in this film and he will also invest his money in this film. They already started this film, and Avinash understands the possible threat to this film. A film is not only important for the actor but there are also lots of people who are related to this, He doesn't want to shut this film. The producer after listening to this agreed.

He decided to meet his brother now, as he is not sure how will his brother and mother will react, but he is quite sure that they will not oppose him. Due to the recording, Meera sends him, he knows that his mom is going to fully support him. But he is not sure about his brother.

"Can we talk?" Avinash asks while entering in the study.

"Sure" Aditya nodded and then he sat on the table while indicating towards the chair.

"It is about my secret....umm" Avinash take the seat and started to speak. But he is not able to find the right words. He fight with his brother not long ago and now he is here to tell him that he do the announcement which might affect their life very much.

"Can you give me your phone?"Aditya said.

"Yes," Avinash said while unlocking the phone.

"Hey what are you doing?" Avinash sees that Aditya pulls his sim card and inserts it with a strange device in his PC.

"I am finding the blackmailer" Aditya replied. Avinash doesn't know how his brother is going to find it, but he doesn't doubt his power. But this also means Meera already spilled the secret.

"I shouldn't have told Meera about me," Avinash said helplessly.

"She is not that bad, she only tells me because she is worried about you" Aditya replied.

"oh ho, so you are taking the side of your wife huh?" Avinash can't help but question. On which Aditya doesn't say anything.

"By the way you should provide her more attention, because she is somewhat silly and emotional type person, this type of person is easily get attracted towards those who show them care" Avinash this time tell his brother with seriousness.

"You are talking like you are an expert in this" Aditya can't help but talk back.

"Of course, at least have some partners, what about you? I think you only have two women in your life" Avinash said in a teasing tone. Aditya choose to ignore him, and he started to type something on the keyboard.

"Now it don't matter, even if you find him or not, as I am not scared of the outcomes," Avinash said while putting his hands on Aditya's shoulder. He is happy that his brother is worried about him.

"No, he should be punished, he tries to harm you. He needs to pay the price of his doings" Aditya replied.

"hmm, thanks" Avinash replied. He try to use his sources but was not able to find this blackmailer.

"There is nothing to thank, it is something which I should have done earlier" Aditya replied. Avinash wanted to say more, but suddenly his phone rang.

"oh, call from your wife", Avinash said and take the call.

"Hey what's up dear" Avinash once again decided to test his brother.

"Dear?? ...." Meera asks in a surprised tone.

"Yes, dear Meera what can I do for you" Avinash once again questioned.

"Oh that, I wanted to make something for Aarav, so can you please take him to your room in the night?" Meera questions.

"Sure, I will come into your bedroom at the time when Aarav usually falls asleep" Avinash replied while sneakingly observing his brother's expression. Then with some formal words, he hang up the phone.

"Why are you going to visit Meera's bedroom so late?"

"I can't tell you, it is our secret" Avinash replied with a mischievous grin.

"Hmmm" Aditya just hummed. But from his look Avinash get chill, he knows his brother will never do anything which will harm him, but his glares are enough to make him uncomfortable.

"Don't look at me like that, I am not interested in your wife, so don't be jealous" Avinash said.

"I know that and why I will feel jealous?" Aditya questions with some annoyance.

"Oh so when I hug her, don't you feel anything?" Avinash questions.

"She is free to do whatever she wants, so why do I feel anything" Aditya questions.

"hmm, if you don't want to admit it, then don't. But you get affected by her" Avinash said.

"Avi you..." Aditya wanted to say something but Avinash stops him.

"Ok, enough for that, now you go and find the blackmailer, I need to have chat with my dear sister-in-law," Avinash said and leave Aditya alone. Aditya just sighs and makes some calls. Even if he uses his almost power, he understands that finding this man is going to take time. And even if they control some effects of Avinash's decision is going to happen, but he is ready for that.

What he is worried about is, is he feels jealous or he feels angry towards Meera? and why he gets affected by Meera's action.

Anyway, the day passed while everyone is busy, even Aarav too, who is dreaming about his birthday party. From the time he remembers his birthday happens with only one family member Like his father takes him to eat, then his uncle takes him to shop or play and grandma come to meet him, there is also his mother, but never he has his family together, he is quite happy to show off his full family to everyone.

He wanted to show his friends that he too has a large and loving family. While thinking this night arrive.