Greeting Card

Aarav who is shopping for all-day falls asleep as soon as he put his head on the pillow. Meera see him sleeping so quietly and decided not to wake him up. So she call Avinash and tell him not to come.

She already tells the helpers in the family to bring the things she wants, she brings them quietly and while sitting on the ground she started to make the greeting card. Meera is not very good at drawing, but not very bad too. She see some tutorials on the internet and started to make her greeting card.

She sits on the ground this way that she can hide things easily if Aarav will wake up. While she is doing this, suddenly the door of the bedroom opened which starlets Meera.

"Why don't you close the door?" Aditya questions while looking at the bed, but then he realized that Aarav is sleeping and Meera is not there, then he suddenly sees her on the ground and he too feels starlets.

"Shhhhhh," Meera said while putting her finger on her lips then she signals him to come towards him.

Aditya comes towards her, Meera gives him a pillow to sit down. Aditya sits near her and sees what she is doing and then he realized that she is making a greeting card.

"You can buy it at the store" Aditya whispers.

"Yes, but that is from your money you know, that is not from me then" Meera replied. on which Aditya raises his eyebrows.

"I mean this thing also form your money, but you know I wanted to gift him something which has something from me too" Meera tries to explain, she is worried that Aditya might feel offended. Aditya sees her efforts and can't help but smile. He understands what she is trying to say.

"Show me what you make," He asks Meera, and then she shows him an average-looking greeting card, she also makes a collage type of something, and it is really beautiful.

But what he likes the most is the simple and sweet words she writes.

'To my son,

Thank you for coming into my life and making me happy. Having you is the greatest blessing ever'

Aditya after reading it wanted to ask her if Aarav can understand it. Because Aarav is even though is an intelligent child, he is just four years old. So even if he can read, he is not sure if Aarav will understand it or not, but seeing the happy face of Meera he decided not to say anything offending.

"Give me a pencil," Aditya said, and then do some adjustments in her greetings. Meera sees that with just a few strokes he makes her greeting very beautiful.

"Wow you are very talented," Meera said.

"hmm, tell me something new" Aditya said in a filmy tone.

"Your fingers are so beautiful," Meera said while trying to touch his fingers, but Aditya move his hands and hold her hands.

"Not very impressive, tell me something new," Aditya said looking into her eyes. Meera due to the sudden touch feels funny in her stomach. But before she can say something, they hear another voice.

"mom dad why are you sitting on the floor?" Aarav questions while sitting on the bed.

"Aaru...." Meera pulls her hand from Aditya and looks towards Aarav. Aditya sees her expression and feels like she is looking like a girl whose father found out about her boyfriend. He can't help but smile. Aarav is half asleep, but then suddenly he sees something in Aditya's hand and his sleep is gone.

"You are making something for me right....." Aarav said while coming towards them.

"Aaru statue" Meera uses the game word they play recently if Aarav is making trouble for her in the kitchen then she will use this word, and Aarav will stop there until she says over. It is funny and effective too.

"no, statue, it is my gift," Aarav said while coming toward them, Meera doesn't understand what to do, Aditya who is looking at her understand her expression, and he act fastly and hold Aarav. He then put his hands on Aarav's eyes, and take him directly outside of the bedroom.

"Lock the door, and complete your work," Aditya said and with one hand he shut the door.

"Daddy I wanted to see the gift..."Aarav said while pinching his father's cheek.

"It is a surprise for you Aaru," Aditya said and after a round conversation between father and son, Aaru finally agrees to wait. Aditya takes him to Avinash's room. When Avinash opens the door he sees the father-son duo standing there.

Without waiting for Avinash's invitation, Aditya comes inside and put Aarav on the bed.

"Why are you here?" Avinash questions his brother. His brother to be honest follow every rule of a gentleman, like he doesn't even peck in his room if Avinash does not call him inside, but today.....

"Mumma and daddy are making gifts for me, but they are not showing it to me" Aarav murmurs, to be honest very happy and very excited about this.

"ohhhh" Avinash already know about this due to the previous phone call. Right now he wanted to surf the net and wanted to see the opinion of people, to be honest, he is a little scared. But now he needs to be with Aaru, and so he is not able to surf, anyway it is best.

"Okay, now you two guys go to sleep, okay?" Aditya questions.

"Okay, daddy" Aarav give Aditya a sweet smile. Seeing his son so well behaved, Aditya feel quite proud and after bidding them goodbye he left the room.

After seeing his father go away, Aarav request Avinash to go and spy on his mother but Avinash refuses, so with some disappointment and with some excitement Aarav decided to sleep. Still, he ask Avinash some questions. While talking these both guys fall asleep.

Here Aditya returns to the bedroom, he sees the greetings which are now looking very beautiful.

"You do good work" Aditya commented.

"Thank you but without your help, I am not able to make it so beautiful" Meera replied. On which Aditya doesn't say anything. Meera is now used to his silence so she doesn't say much and started to tidy up the things.

While she is doing this, she feels Aditya's stare on her, and somewhat feels conscious.

"Is your work over?" Meera questions, this man is often found in his study or his other bedroom.

"Are you trying to tell me to leave?" He questions while staring into her eyes.