Another Gift

Meera thought that the gift she get might have ended but she get a new car from her mother-in-law. The previous Meera also bought two cars for her, but neither she nor this Meera knows how to drive. The previous Meera started to learn, but one day, while she is drunk, she drive and got in an accident, thankfully no one is hurt at that time, but Aditya throw her license at that time. And even tell others not to give her a car.

"I will properly learn the car first" Meera promised Aditya remembering the past of the original Meera. It is good for her though as she doesn't know how to properly drive the car.

"Good" Aditya replied. And this way learning the car is added to Meera's new schedule. The week pass by this, and Avinash resumed his shooting. Meera from Anjali got to know that some of the films which are going to cast Avinash now decided to rethink their plan. While Aditya's company also having some trouble with one of the contracts.

"Is it is going to harm us, badly?" Meera questions.

"Not that baldy though, but of course, we need to work hard more"Anjali replied.

Meera and Aditya once again get intimidated, but other than that, Meera doesn't feel their relationship progress. Aditya is a great bed partner, but she can say that he doesn't love her. She doesn't know how to make him fall for her.

She tries to win his heart by her cooking. She wakes up early every day and makes breakfast and lunch for him, she takes so much efforts, to make a good lunch for him, but after two days, Aditya tells her that he can't eat so much food, so it is better if she either not give him lunch, or give something form his diet.

Meera understands that he doesn't say these things to hurt her, but it makes her feel a little sad. She also sees that Aditya is often working, or with Aarav. She doesn't get much time to spend with him. Thankfully she knows that Aditya is a gentleman, and if he like someone then he will tell her frankly. Otherwise, with their circumstances, she might have thought that he is interested in someone else.

Meera has the same experience in her previous life, her husband, Raj at first is too gentle and kind with her, not only does he provide money for his mother's operation, but also for her brother's education. When her mother's operation happens he comes o visit her mom every day.

He even said sweet words to her, every time they make love, she often thinks that he loves her, but in the end, it is all false hope. So when she is facing a man like Aditya, she doesn't have much hope, to start with they both are people from two different worlds, thankfully due to the boldness of original Meera, and also due to Aarav, they are still together.

She doesn't understand why Aditya change his original path and wanted to make their relationship real, but she is happy with this outcome.

She just hopes that they can continue living this way, but who has thought things will change so suddenly.

In one evening, after her driving lessons, ends she gets a call from Naitra, her fake friend, who leads the ashtray to the original. Meera gets many calls from her, but she only picks up a few times, and often gives rude answers, still, this woman is resistant. Meera doesn't break the contract completely because she wanted to take revenge for the original. Meera realizes that she still doesn't do this task, and if she does, then she might get more points. Thinking this she decided to take the call.

"Hey, Meera, why do you ignore me nowadays?" Naira can't help but question.

"I am busy, by the way, why do you call me?"Meera questions straightforwardly. Even though she is getting somewhat smart after all the things that happen to her, she is still straightforward. She doesn't know how to act manipulative. But she understands that she needs to learn that too in the future.

"Today I call you because I am really worried about you, I know how you decided to start your new life, and you also act like a good mother and wife for Aditya, but you know what, I see him with a woman yesterday, and also somewhat manage to know that they have a date today" Naitra provided her information.

"Are you telling the truth?" Meera questions. She won't know why she is listening to a person like Naitra, but what if Naitra is talking the truth.

"I will send you their photo" Naitra replied and send her photos. Then she also send her the address and time where they are meeting.

Meera sees the photos and froze because the person in the photos is Aditya & Nikita. She also sees that Nikita is wearing very exposing clothes, while Aditya is looking at her. She won't know what they are talking about or doing but these photos can say they are in a good relationship.

If Meera is in a good mental state then she might have realized that the cloth which Aditya wear in the photo and what he wear yesterday are different. But jealousy and anger worsen her judgment.

While she is thinking about what to do her phone rang once again.

"So do you see with your own eyes? I am your true friend and I only think good about you, that's why I am sending you this. ..." Naitra talks more but Meera is not able to hear it.

She remembers Aditya telling her that he doesn't have anything with Nikita. Then why?....

She decided to ask him about it, but then again she don't want to act like a jealous person. She decided to make sure about everything and after only then she will act.

"I will call you later, I need some time to think" Meera replied to Naitra and hang up the phone.

Here Naitra sees her plan getting successful and have a smile on her face.