
Meera after some thoughts decided to call Aditya.

"What's the matter?" Aditya questions. He is used to speaking like this, he neither greeted people nor care about formalities. According to him if someone is calling him then there must be something urgent.

"Can we go outside for dinner?" Meera finds these excuses after some thought, this way she can find out if Naitra is telling the truth or not.

"Wait for a minute," Aditya tells her and then after a minute he tells her that he has a meeting today, so he is not available.

"Oh...Okay, then next time" Meera said and hang up the phone. She doesn't know what to do. She once again look at the address and decided to go and see the truth herself. She can't completely believe Naitra, but she also does not have complete trust in Aditya.

She decided that if today she finds Aditya with Nikita on a date, then she will ask for a divorce. After all, he is the one who finds someone for himself and even wanted to take advantage of her, so this not going to continue. And if he not...Then that's great.

After deciding this, Meera searched for the location, it is merely half an hour away from their home. She then sends a message to Naitra about if she knows when they are going to meet, on which Naitra, tells her that she is not able to hear everything, but it must be after 8. Meera sees the clock and realized it is nearly 4.45 PM, she decided to eat dinner early with Aarav, and then she will be left for the place at nearly 7 PM.

Things go as she planned. Aarav makes some trouble because he is now used to having his mom for the whole evening. But he realized that his mom is stubborn today.

"I really have work baby, and grandma is coming in half-hour, so please be good okay, there is a nanny and housekeeper uncle too at home. And I will talk to you on the phone until grandma comes okay?" Meera said, on which Aarav reluctantly agreed.

This way, Meera was able to reach there after nearly 8.40 PM. Now her next task is to search for Aditya, thankfully the place where they might be going to meet is not secluded, you can see the people coming & going here with some effort.

Meera after coming here, find a table in the corner and sit down there. She wander around with the excuse of her friend coming to meet her, Then she ordered soup for herself, and started to see if she can find Aditya. She doesn't know his exact timing, even after her soup arrives and she completed eating it, she is not able to see him.

'That Naitra must have fooled me' Meera concluded. She wait for ten more minutes and decided to go home. She is watching the gate and also she has already watched all the tables.

"Can you please bring the bill?" Meera ask the waiter

"Mam you only take soup, try something else too" The waiter replied with a cute smile. The waiter can guess from the outfit & jewellery of Meera that she is really a big shot.

"No, actually my friend Nikita and my husband Aditya Sen coming to meet me here, but I think they are delayed," Meera replied with a smile.

"Oh, you mean Mr. Aditya, the big boss?" The waiter questions, and then Meera realized that this hotel also belongs to Aditya.

"Yes," Meera replied while showing their photo, with a big smile. Aditya already tell her that their relationship is official now, so she can brag a little right?

"Ohh, then boss must be waiting for you on the upper floor. There is a special meeting room for him. Why don't you call him?" The waiter tells her.

"Okay, I will call him, thank you" Meera replied and then pay the bill with the card given by Aditya. The waiter sees the card, and now don't doubt that this must be Mrs. Aditya. Meera who got new information decided to go and check there too.

She left towards the washroom, and when she see that no one is noticing her she goes to the upper floor. She due to Avinash, knows what these special rooms look like. So when she go the upper floor, she sees there is a huge hall with only a few tables, this room is too beautiful and aesthetic. And then there she spots Aditya and Nikita. They are having dinner in quite a pleasant way. Meera can't stop herself and goes towards them.

"Oh, and I think you are doing work" Meera can't help but say suddenly. She understands that she doesn't have any right to question Aditya, as they don't have any real relationship. But it is he who tells her that now he wanted to make their relationship quite real. She doesn't force him,

He is also the one who tells her that he doesn't have anything with Nikita, then why hide. Why lie? Why give her false hope?

"Meera..." Aditya wanted to say something but Nikita beat him.

"What...What are you doing here?" Nikita questions. If Meera is in a good state of mind, she can see the act of Nikita, but now when her mind is full of anger she is not able to think straight. She feels like Nikita is scared because she found them.

"nothing, having fun with my friends, but see you guys here so come to meet you" Meera replied and left. Aditya tries to hold her hand but she is way faster. Aditya see the disappearing figure and suddenly feel little headache.