Real Date.?

After there plan get successful, Ravi handover the roses to Meera. It is his thank you for her help. Which Meera accepted.

After that children finish there breakfast and go to room to get ready. This way the children and co, left for the theme park in some time. Meera already give instructions to Avinash and Ravi, so there is nothing to do more.

Here Ranveer also tell Aarav and Chinu about his plan. They decided to take every ride in the park, and make sure that Ravi will regret coming with them. Aarav feels dilemma over this, as he already promise his mom to help uncle Raj, but now Ranveer da also asking for help. But he already help uncle so now he will listen to what Ranveer da said.

And this way the adventure begins. When they enter in the park, Ranveer choose the scariest ride. But he tell the other three children to not come with them. Ravi and Avinash are not even agreed to send him. But after so much tanturm Ravi eventually agreed. He decided to accompany him. In this way Ranveer and Ravi left for the ride. But what Ranveer forgot is he is the body of child. Even though he has the soul of adult, his body somewhat affect his emotions.

So when the ride started to get on the height he started to feel the water in his stomach is moving. Raj see this and try to help him by patting on his back. But it don't help, to be honest he is also feeling little uncomfortabl.

In the end, Ranveer ended vomiting all the breakfast he eat. The ride is not even 1% enjoyable, what more Ranveer also find out his father is also afraid of height, but just for his pride he is acting like he is not scared.

"I inherited this fear of height form this man, shit" Ranveer thinks in his mind looking at Ravi who to have pale face. Finally the ride is over and they come downstairs. Ravi also ended up vomiting. And this way they now run towards the cafe in the theme park. Due to vomiting Ravi and Ranveer might feel little dehydrated, so they decided to drink something and also take medicine.

After that Ranveer decided not to go in the ride instead he decided to go the haunted place. This time other children also wanted to go.

This haunted house is not like only those normal huanted cave or anything. To come out of this house you need to solve the puzzles, and there might be some difficulties will come. But if something doesn't go well the staff will always come and help. So Ravi and Avinash agreed. Even though, it looks complicated, this house is designed for children so it not gonna that difficult.

Here Chinu don't understand what it is as she never go in the places like this. She entered in the haunted house, at first everything is okay, but when everything turn dark and due to the sudden trap of the house they get separated.

The staff who is going to act like ghost come & try to scare Chinu, but it triggered her & the memories of the disgusting day resurfaced in her mind.

Chinu wanted to scream but no novice come and due to fear she also left the hand of Sayali which she is holding. Sayali is also scared. Thankfully Ravi is quite cautious and he able to sense his daughter's anxiety.

"Chinu this is daddy" Ravi said while taking her in his arms. Ranveer also realizes this but now due to dark, and also due to trap he is not able to see his sister.

"Chinu, Sayali where are you?" Ranveer suddenly shout. He Aarav and Avinash are trapped in one side while Ravi, Sayali and Chinu are on the other.

"We are okay Ranveer don't worry" Ravi replied. He hold Sayali with one hand and Chinu who is on the verge of crying in his arms. Here Avinash also do the same.

After Chinu come in the arms of her father, and listen his calm whispering, she feel secure. She hug her father tightly. Ravi who never get this type of treatment from her also tighten his arms.

"Baby daddy is really sorry for past incident, but form now daddy is gonna always protect you. Please forgive and trust me please" Ravi said while kissing on crown of her hair.

He form the bottom of heart feeling guilty for his children. Yesterday, he talk with Meera and Meera tell him how addable his children is, but how maturely they act. He now really wanted to make up for them. So he will give his 100%

After this incident they act fast. This way they come out of the haunted house in an hour. After this incident, Ranveer decided not to pull any trick. Children are also little out of energy so they finally decided to go in mini train and then watch a movie for children, and after that they will decide what to do next.

Chinu who is in her father's arm, don't wanted to go. So Ravi, so he ended carrying her everywhere.

Ravi remember the preferences given by Meera, and feed children according to that. This way there adventures day ended.


"So what is your plan for today?" Aditya questions Meera when children left.

"Umm nothing, might waiting for the call from Ravi or Avinash" Meera said while putting the roses in the flower vase.

"Do you like roses that much?" Aditya suddenly questions her,

"Who don't like roses but I like Jasmin flowers more" Meera replied.

"Let's go on date" Aditya said suddenly.

"Did you say..." Meera feel like she hear something wrong.

"I said let's go on date wifey" Aditya replied.

"You don't need to be serious about this matter. I just ..." Meera wanted to tell Aditya that he don't need to take her on date.

"Meera...I don't need to do this, but I want to do this. You still don't let go that incident that you don't even wanted to go out with me?" Aditya questions.

"No, ..' Merera replied.

"Then you agreed?" Aditya questions with a smile.

"Yes" Meera replied.

"Okay then let's get ready" Aditay said while messing her hair.

"Okay" Replied Meera and run towards her room. She to be honest is too happy. This is the first time that her favourite person ask her to go on date. A real date. Seh can't help but get very happy.