You also love me

Meera never thought that she will have an emotional roller coaster on their date. First Aditya takes her to the ride on a helicopter. Meera never travel by helicopter so it is quite a unique experience for her. Meera is quite excited and a little scared due to the height. She unconsciously holds Aditya's hand. But then she realized her mistake.

Even though they do the most intimate things, that are more like attraction or duty type. She don't know if Aditya can accept her touch, but to her surprise when she tries to withdraw her hand he holds it quite strongly.

After the ride, he takes her for shopping. This is quite a high-class jewelry store. Meera doesn't want to buy anything after seeing the price. First thing the jewelry is really expensive here, and second, she doesn't want to give Aditya the impression of a gold digger.

She wanted to show him that she is now really giving up on the old habits.

"It will look beautiful on you" Aditya seeing her hesitation finally decided to take the decision,

"But I don't need it" Meera replied in a little voice.

"It is my gift for you, who buys gifts because you need it?" Aditya questions.

"Okay," Meera replied in an inaudible voice.

"Please buy something and don't worry about your money. Your husband can afford this" Aditay said with a teasing tone. This woman waste his money like water in the past, even when he don't want it, and now when he wanted to spoil her.... she is acting like this. Women are strange he thinks.

"Okay" Meera after listening to this decided to buy something, she sees a beautiful ring and a beautiful bracelet.

"Husband how about this, can we buy it for children?" Meera questions.

"Yes," Aditya replied. After that Meera buy a very beautiful bracelet for the three children in the home. Then she also buys a necklace for Anjali.

She also sees men's fancy watches and buys one for Avinash.

"Done" She replied to Aditya after shopping this.

"I tell you to buy something for yourself," Aditya said.

"I buy this for myself, I wanted to buy a gift for everyone, but don't have my own money" Meera replied in a sad voice. She after her reincarnation try to earn money. But considering her status quo, she can't apply directly for the job, and talking about the original Meera's career, Meera doesn't know even A about acting.

"Okay" Aditya feel a little disappointed. He can sense that Meera still have some self-confidence issue. Is this woman dense, he already giving her everything can't she just accept it?

After shopping Aditya doesn't try to talk about anything neither Meera do. Suddenly the beautiful atmosphere turns gloomy.

"I always do this" Meera complained to the system.

"What do you do?" System who don't understand much about complicated human feelings ask her.

"I always destroy the romantic atmosphere, Ravi also once complained about this. Maybe no one ever loves this messy me" Meera replied in a nearly crying voice.

"Meera...that is not true." The system wanted to console her but was not able to. Aditya look towards the quiet woman and wanted to end the date. His good mood is run by this woman. But when he looks towards her he sees her crying.

"Why are you crying?" Aditya questions her.

"I ....I...' Meera doesn't understand how to answer.

"Are you in pain or anything?" Aditya questions.

"No, it just you must be regretting to bring me on date right, but.....but I wanted to enjoy it, I enjoy it, but...." Meera wanted to say more, but she don't understand how to do the wording of it.

"No, I don't regret it," Aditya said. He remembers the excitement and happiness on Meera's face on the helicopter. Even if he makes her smile once it is enough for him. Indeed this woman is a little weird but what can he do, who tells him to fall for her.

"Really?" Meera questions.

"Of course" Aditya replied.

"That's great. Thank you for this wonderful experience" Meera replied.

"Our date is not over yet, so you are saying thank you earlier"

"so there is yet to come ?" She questions to which Aditya nodded, he take his handkerchief and look towards her. On which, Meera looks towards him with a question mark.

"Wipe your tears," Aditya said with a smile, but when Meera try to take it, instead of giving it, he wipes her tears. Which brings a blush to her cheeks.

After this incident, they both don't talk, but once again the atmosphere in the car turns happy. Meera even after trying hard not able to stop her smile.

Then they come into a beautiful house. Seeing them coming, all the workers there look towards them.

"Boss, the lunch is ready, can we start serving?"

"No we wanted to talk for a while, I will call you later" Aditya replied. And then he tells Meera to go upstairs with him when they reach the above room. Meera can see the whole city in one glance. What's more, the room is decorated very aesthetically.

"This will be our home after retirement," Aditay tells her while giving her a flower. He wishes that from this sentence she can sense his love and determination.

"Thank you," Meera said while taking the flower. The view from here is so beautiful that she is not able to perfectly able to digest his sentence. But then after two minutes the bulb in her head lit up.

"You said after retirement this house will be ours, you mean both of us?" She questions.

"Yes," Aditya said with a smirk, finally this woman get the clue.

"So you wanted to say that our contract gets renewed until that age?" Meera questions.

"This is all you can conclude?" Aditya questions with a very ugly face, this woman can't think directly, he doesn't feel so many emotions in one day.

"No, I concluded something else, but that is quite impossible" Meera replied with a self-mocking smile.

"What it is?' Aditay questions, he wanted to see how dumb this woman is.

"That....that you fall for me, that you also love me" Meera replied. As she started to speak this sentence her voice started to get smaller and smaller. Meera now just wanted to hide, how can a perfect man like Aditya can like her. Why she is so dumb.

He is doing this because,....because he might be boar, yes that's the true thing.

"What do you mean by you also love me?" Aditya suddenly questions.