Everything is changed

"I...."Merera suddenly feels her tongue-tied.

"Meera, I always think you are a smart person, but now I realised you are dense," Aditya said with a mocking smile.

"I am sorry, I understand I should not keep this type of feeling but... but you are too nice that I can't help but fall for you, but you don't need to worry, I am not expecting you to reciprocate my feelings," Meera said while calming down.

"You know what Meera, in my whole life I never care for explaining anything to anyone, but I do that for you. I am a workaholic and the work pressure is also really insane but still, I come home early to just spend a little extra time with you.

I don't understand how to express my love, but for me sending a few minutes with you gives me all the energy to work all day. Your smile, and your tears matters to me.

Yes you are quite annoying sometimes, sometimes you are just an emotional mess, and I can't stand you, but at the same time, I also understand that I can't stand in this world without you. Nothing in this world can change the fact that I love you Meera."

".....are you making fun of me? It can't be real, it must be a dream" Meera says, and then she pinches herself.

"Don't be so over dramatic Meera" Aditya said with a smile.

"But why?.....why do you love me, I am at all not special or anything." Meera questions.

"I love you not only because you are quite special but also because when I am with you, I too become special.

Whenever I see your smile, I feel peaceful. You make me a better person Meera. Because of you, I can discover the part of me that even I am not aware of.

I don't know how to define it, but you are the sweetest feeling I ever have" Aditya finally said what he wanted to say for a long time. Even if it is not a great way to confess he still decided to be a little impulsive.

"I...I ..." Meera stammer a little. She is feeling many emotions, it is like when a kid wanted only a toy but God gifted him with a full room of toys. Aditya is everything she desires, she never thought that this person will like her so easily.

"I also love you...I love you a lot"Meera after a pause manages to say this.

"Come here" Aditya spread his hands and call her for a hug. How can Meera miss it?

After coming into his arms, Meera steals a kiss on Aditya's chin which earn a chuckle from him.

"I... I also wanted to say I love you, I just wonder how can I be so lucky to have you as my husband. You might not know but I feel both love & lust for you.

I...I.I just love you so much" Meera replied. On which Aditya just kissed her crown of hair. After expressing their feeling, they eat the foos. Both of them are too happy to eat. Their heart is full of sweetness.

They return home in the evening after spending a lot of time together. Aditya never knows that he will enjoy this type of feeling.

. . . . . .

When they reach home, children and Ravj already waiting for them. They have all already eaten their dinner. So after biding goodbye to Ravi, Meera & Aditya also eat a light dinner & decided to sleep.

Meera goes to bid good night to the children, but to her surprise, Ranveer is waiting for her.

"Aunty, can I talk with you about my father?" Ravi questions on which Meera agreed.

"Do you intentionally send us with my daddy today ?" Ranveer questions.

"Baby that.....Yes. Are you angry with me?" Meera questions. She at first wanted to lie to him but later she decided to tell him the truth.

"No, I will never do that. I know whatever you do is always be for our good" Ranveer replied.

"Baby ...Yes I do this because I always feel that you are carrying a burden. Even after coming here, you are not completely relaxed. I just hope you enjoy your childhood. And having someone from your family will might make you feel more secure.

And your father loves you. I wanted you to let go of the sad feelings which you are holding." Meera replied.

Ranveer looks at the woman who not only saves his sister's life but also gives him so much love and care, The love he gets from Meera is much more than he gets from his mother. In his previous life, he never gets so much attention and forgets the attention but he never even get the food. But now due to Meera, he 's living a really good life.

The way Meera care for them, the way Meera show her love to them is more than what a sinful person like him deserves. He also understands that whatever Meera do is only good for them and doesn't have any other intentions.

"Aunty do you think he cares for us? He just wants his heirs, he never plays with us or does something special for us, he is always busy. Why should I forgive him, you also know in which situation you find us, if there is no you.....what might have happened with us?" Ranveer replied. He already saw the worse, even though he somewhat understands his father, still, he doesn't want to forgive him easily. Neither does he want Meera to feel sympathy towards his father.

"I know baby, and you don't need to forgive him, If you don't want, I just hope that you don't hold the burden of your emotions. I just hope you also know that there are many people who love you. Talking about the mistakes he did, as a parent I also did many wrong things, thankfully god give me a chance. So now I can redo that, but you know we are parents are also learning how to take care of you guys and sometimes we also get a little bit selfish, but that doesn't mean that we don't love you, it just means that our love is not that selfless" Meera replied. She hopes that Ranveer can forgive Ravi. She can't stand to see this boy living with anger, because after so many life experiences, she understands that anger is nothing but punishing yourself for the mistakes of others,

"Okay, I will try to forgive him, but you are not allowed to send us to his house until we said okay?" Ranveer questions her. This is the first time this boy ask something in a spoiled tone like this. How can Meera refuse him, so she promises him this, and then she pulls him in her arms and gives him a forehead kiss.

Ranveer remembers that he really hates woman who touches him except Sayali, but that too doesn't contain something so pure, he was never able to feel this maternal love, but in this life...in this life, everything is changed.