
The black-haired girl didn't seem to think the joke was funny while the two people J saved chuckled slightly. Before J could say anything else he heard the whirring sound once more and it quickly made him jump to his feet.

'Where's the girl?!' J thought in a panic realizing that while he saved the others he completely forgot about the little girl he had been protecting the entire time.

The others around J went silent the moment they heard the whirring sound so it gave J the perfect opportunity to rush toward where he left the girl laying down when he dropped her from the wall.

Lucky enough she was still laying sound asleep exactly where she was when he dropped her from the wall. J quickly grabbed the little girl in his arms once more and was surprised to feel that the previous weight was now completely gone. It felt exactly like when he first started carrying her around at the beginning of the game.

'Weird.' J thought to himself as he placed the girl on his back and began waiting for the next obstacle.

The whirring that had sounded was right in front of them and nowhere else around them or at least that's what they thought until suddenly in addition to the first whirring sound there were three more now completely surrounding them.

"HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO AVOID ALL SIDES?!" One person shouted in distress when they heard the sounds around them.

J didn't lose his cool and just focused on his breathing looking around to see which obstacle would come first. The first one was the one that made a whirring sound first straight ahead of them and it was a lot more simple than J had anticipated.

It was the same as the first obstacle with it just being a simple jump but one thing that was massively different this time was the speed level. It was like comparing a turtle to a sports car.

The speed surprised many and some even tripped as they landed on the other side of the obstacle but everyone was able to pass it easily. Then one person said something that cursed them all and set them on the path toward doom.

"Well, that was pretty easy. Surely the rest should be like that." One person laughed while looking at the parting obstacle.

Some people looked at him with anger but they didn't have time to voice it since the other three obstacles arrived soon after the man spoke. When J looked around him a cold sweat went down his back as he thought about how he was going to get through this round.

On the left and right sides of J, there were two spinning poles that looked like the size of battering rams. They were constantly rotating at a fast speed and looked quite menacing. One of them was placed higher above the group, so high in fact that if it came in by itself it wouldn't have been able to even touch them. The other battering ram was at base level right above the platform floor and would surely be hard to dodge for many people.

As for the final obstacle, it was a completely flat wall! It looked the exact same as the one that J just went over minutes ago but one thing was plaguing J's mind when he saw these obstacles and that was how they were all going to connect. If the floor level spinning pole went in at the same time as the wall then surely they would end up hitting each other but then that begged the question of what happened last round?

During the previous round, J had been too busy saving others to see how the wall with holes in it and the wall J jumped over went through each other because they were on the platform at the same time. It seemed unfeasible but it happened and he didn't know if he could pass this round without that knowledge so he went to one of the only people he was acquainted with that had been paying attention during that time.

"How did the walls both go at the same time earlier? Wouldn't they have hit each other and broken?" J asked one of the people he saved and the black-haired girl who was right next to them.

The black-haired girl shrugged her arms not knowing what happened either since she was helping J but the person that J saved seemed to know something about what happened.

"It was crazy. Some of us thought that if we waited the walls may have crashed into each other but instead it looked like they just fazed through each other! There was no change or reaction from either wall and they just continued what they were doing." The person said with astonishment and confusion still in their voice as they thought about it.

This information was very vital and it confused J a lot about how it worked but he didn't have time to worry about such things at the moment because the obstacles began moving!

The first to move was the solid wall and it began pushing its way forward rather quickly and then soon after the spinning pole on the floor level began pushing forward as well. J glanced over at the spinning pole that was higher and it didn't seem to be moving forward quite yet which worried him greatly but at the same time he was glad that they didn't need to deal with all three at once.

Now that everyone knew how to deal with the wall they all quickly went to it as it made its way through 1/4th of the platform. Most people immediately jumped over the wall and some even helped others this time while they made their way back down to the ground to somehow face the spinning pole but J did something different and just sat on top of the wall that was still moving.

The black-haired girl, redhead, and the ones that J saved all saw this and decided to follow his example sitting on top of the wall but as the wall neared the halfway point the redhead got impatient and nervous thinking that something similar to earlier would happen.

"Sorry but I'm out of here." He said before jumping off the wall and going back toward the edge where the rest were waiting for the first spinning pole.