Electric Chair

J and the rest watched as the platform rose from the depths of the void. J in particular was confused on where it came from because before the round had even started that was the side he had looked at when he realized there were spikes below. The path slowly rose until it was at the same height as the platform which is where it stopped.

"Should we just follow it?" The redhead asked in confusion as everyone there was confused on whether they should actually follow the path or not since they couldn't even see the end of it from where they were but with nothing else to do they decided to just start walking down the seemingly endless path ahead of them.

J followed behind the main group leading the charge as he tried to take in every part of the path trying to see if there was something he was missing or something that might help him in his quest to get out of the place but sadly he didn't see anything out of the ordinary or different as they made their way along the path.

The path ended up being much longer than they had originally anticipated. It was so long that some even began complaining and wondering if they would ever make it to the end but right as they began to say something a new sight appeared within their eyes.

"A door!" Someone shouted when the new sight entered their retinas. Many others that had started looking down at the ground in boredom quickly looked up with excitement and also saw the door which made them begin sprinting with newfound energy.

J couldn't help but be excited as well since he had also gotten bored looking around the edges of the path and still seeing no difference wherever he went.

When they arrived they saw that they had reached some sort of metal wall that went as far as they could see into the dark void around them but the door in front of them was also metal with a silver knob.

The people in the front couldn't contain their curiosity and opened the door without a second thought rushing inside as the door creaked open. The only thing that those behind them could hear was one word from one of the people in the front that raised their expectations to a new high, "Wow."

Everyone quickly funneled into the room when they heard that and once J saw what was inside he couldn't help but also say wow in surprise. The room looked to be about as long as a football field but the difference between it and the first game was like night and day, literally. The first game was in complete darkness with the only visibility being on the platform but in the new room it was completely lit up.

Despite it being so long J could easily see all the way to the end of the room but the main thing J was focused on were the rows and rows of sleeping bags on the ground that went as far as he could see. Once he counted them all up he realized that there were 100 bags in total meaning there was meant to be one for every person.

In addition to this, there was a cabin-looking place in the back right corner of the room that looked to be its own little hut packed away in the corner and the other thing that J could see was very close, on the left side of the room.

On the left side there was a very long table with chairs on either side of it. In front of each of these chairs there was a plate with silverware on each side of it and a cup of water in a small glass above the plate. On the actual plate there was a meal that consisted of a chicken leg and mixed vegetables.

"Woahhh! Food!" Someone shouted completely ignoring the rest of the room and rushing toward the table. Many others were in the same boat once they realized how hungry they were when they saw the food.

J was the same and began making his way toward the table deciding that he would explore the rest of the room later after he finally filled his belly because he had no idea when he would have another chance like this, especially with such a good meal.

However, before J got too far he turned around and looked toward the black-haired girl who was in contemplation on whether she should eat or search. The rest of the people J was acquainted with had already rushed toward the table and was almost at the seats.

"You should eat. There's no telling when we will get another chance." J said to the black-haired girl bringing her out of her thoughts.

"It's fine I'm not- *growl*" The black-haired girl began to object to J's words but her body betrayed her as the second she mentioned not being hungry her stomach began to growl contradicting her claim.

"Stop lying and follow me." J said laughing as he readjusted the little girl on his back. The black-haired girl no longer objected and just followed him to the table but when J began getting closer to the table he realized that no one was eating and that there seemed to be something going on.

"AHHHHH!" Someone shouted in agony ahead of J as he watched them begin getting electrocuted before falling to the ground twitching all over the place. Of course J was worried and he rushed over to check on the guy that was still twitching but when J saw him still breathing he sighed in relief.

"What happened?" J said in confusion to some of the people nearby who were now backing away from the table scared that they may be electrocuted as well.

"He just walked over to the chair and touched it! After that he just started screaming and we could see him getting shocked like that kid from earlier!" One of the people replied as they still kept their eyes on the chair afraid of what may happen if they touched it.

With this new information J began examining the chairs trying to find anything wrong with them. The black-haired girl beside him also did the same but neither of them could see anything wrong with it. Without any idea on what was happening J decided to do something a little crazy and before the black-haired girl could say anything J began walking closer to the chair and when he did he felt a buzzing in his chest that grew the closer his hand got to the chair.