Question Everything

"That's it? We only have to make it to the end?" Someone asked The Watcher from the crowd unsure if they heard everything correctly which caused a chuckle from The Watcher.

"That's correct, the way to pass is simply by making it to the end. Nothing more and nothing less. Now that everything has been explained it's now time for the game to begin. Everyone needs to be within 10 feet of the wall before the games begin so get there immediately." The Watcher said making everyone who was walking around or trying to get a head start back up quickly.

'Just make it to the end? It's not so simple.' Jonathan thought in his mind as he remembered the masses drawn on the paper that he found the night before in the cabin. At this point Jonathan was wondering if he should warn everyone about the masses he saw on the paper but if he did that then there would be a target painted on his own back for somehow knowing this information. However, the more Jonathan thought about it the more he knew what he needed to do.

Once everyone got within the distance that The Watcher wanted he gave his parting words, "Now that you all know how the game works here's a little bit of advice, being at the front doesn't mean getting there the fastest." The Watcher said his cryptic last piece of words and disappeared. When he left there was a timer appearing beside the ever-present number in the sky that showed the current amount of participants and it was still at the 99 mark.

The timer that was left behind by The Watcher caught the eyes of many as it started at 5 minutes and slowly began counting down to the beginning of the game. Some people were laughing and joking with each other at this point thinking that this was simply an agility test or a game so simple that they would pass with no worries but Jonathan was going to crash on their parade.

"Everyone listen up!" Jonathan shouted garnering the attention of almost everyone immediately. Some were wondering who was shouting so loudly and some were about to get mad but when they saw that it was Jonathan speaking they all went quiet waiting for what he was going to say. Most people in the group of 99 now respected Jonathan a lot. After he saved multiple people in the first game and even got the rights to the cabin giving everyone a fair shot at getting inside of it many considered him to be the most important person in their group if not the smartest.

Once Jonathan knew that all eyes were on him he began addressing the crowd, "I'm sure that all of you are thinking that this is going to be easy and if you aren't then you're wondering how this game is going to be hard. Well, I found something last night in the cabin that gave me a hint to this game, there will be something chasing us." Jonathan said making a few people in the crowd gasp and some others nod thinking that it made a lot more sense than whatever The Watcher was trying to pull off.

"What did you see?" Someone asked in the crowd.

When Jonathan heard this he began talking once more, "There was a small note that I found and on the note there was a drawing similar to this street but the only difference was that at the beginning of the street there were large masses drawn seemingly chasing people." Jonathan said causing the hairs on some people's necks to rise. The fact that whatever the mass was is unidentifiable on the note caused some people to feel nervous. Jonathan also made to say that he was the only one to find the note that way anyone that was with him in the cabin wouldn't be negatively impacted by his words.

"Besides that there was nothing else. The only thing I know is that this game is not as simple as The Watcher was trying to make it seem. He was trying to throw us off guard so that we would fail more easily." Jonathan said with his voice rising every moment making sure that everyone heard him. He wanted everyone from now on to consider and think twice before just believing whatever The Watcher told them because in Jonathan's eyes it seemed like he was trying to take them out at every turn.

"What about what The Watcher said about not being in the front! What do you know about that?" Someone else asked suddenly, for the first time asking something that Jonathan didn't know the answer to.

"I'm not actually sure to be honest. There was nothing on the note about that but I'm sure it has something to do with owning the cabin after this game." Jonathan said truthfully what he thought on the matter.

Some people in the crowd began grumbling thinking that Jonathan was hiding something from them but before they could act on it the timer that had been in the sky finally ran out and the game was set to begin.


A long and loud ringing sound brought everyone's attention to the timer which had finally run out causing many people to begin sprinting down the road with everything they had. Jonathan was one of these people as he began jogging hard not wanting to waste all of his energy until he knew what he was dealing with.

Despite Jonathan's best efforts, there were still some people that didn't take his warning seriously and thought that they had all the time in the world to walk to the end of the route but they were soon shown that it wasn't the case.

Under the gaze of everyone who was peeking backward, the door that had originally brought them to this room began rising upward like a wall in a movie set but the only difference was that it didn't reveal the resting room. Instead there was a large group of angry-looking bulls waiting on a platform.

"RUN!" Jonathan shouted before he turned around and began sprinting.