A Sharp Fall

When Jonathan saw the bulls revealed behind the wall he didn't need anything else to understand what was happening and neither did anyone else. Everyone in the game began running for their lives wanting nothing but to make it to the end and have nothing else to do with the animals.

The one's that had been previously laughing and joking at the beginning were no longer looking that way and were instead running like madmen with pure fear on their faces. It would have been one thing if the bulls didn't have their horns but they not only had them but they had been sharpened and made into a point that could easily impale someone if they were to be struck by it.

"HELPPPP!" One guy shouted as he ran for his life. He was a bigger fellow that was obviously slower than the ones he had been laughing and joking with which had cost him dearly. Once the wall was fully raised the bulls had access to the road and they began their pursuit.


Rumbling and the clacking of the bull's hooves on the concrete was the only thing Jonathan heard as he began running down the road changing from a hard jog to more of a sprint. Jonathan glanced toward the bigger guy that seemed to be quite desperate wondering if there was a way to help him. There was no way for Jonathan to carry a man of that size but when he glanced toward the building Jonathan got an idea.

"RUN INTO ONE OF THE BUILDINGS AND GET ON THE ROOF!" Jonathan shouted back toward the man catching his attention. The man heard what Jonathan said and was hesitant to do so but when he turned around and saw that the bulls were gaining on him quickly and within the next minute he would be impaled by one of the horns he decided to grab onto the only silver lining he saw, dashing toward a building.

Jonathan slowed his pace slightly watching the bigger man making sure that he learned everything that he could. When the bigger man made it to the door of one of the buildings he gripped the knob quickly. He then began twisting and pulling on it trying to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

"THE DOOR WON'T OPEN!" The bigger man shouted in terror toward Jonathan. There was no need to tell Jonathan because he had been watching but when he heard the fear from the man and saw that the bulls were only seconds away he put his mind into overdrive.

Jonathan glanced at the buildings themselves and realized that they weren't very tall at all. They were so short that Jonathan thought it might be possible for the man to get on top of the roof from the outside.

"CLIMB THE BUILDING!" Jonathan shouted the last idea that he had which was the last chance for the man to get to safety before he was impaled by the raging animals.

When the bigger man heard Jonathan's suggestion he quickly got to work grabbing the top of the front door and surprisingly doing a pull-up. Jonathan thought he would have had to find another way but thankfully he was able to do a pull-up because it gave him just enough time to stand on the tiny ledge of the door and move to the iron bars of a window.

Jonathan was more than surprised by the man's sudden show of strength that led him to finally get on top of the building that he almost ran into a building himself but once the bigger guy got on top of the roof he looked toward Jonathan with a smile giving a thumbs up.

Jonathan smiled back giving a thumbs up and was thinking about getting on a roof himself since he thought that it would be safer but apparently things wouldn't be so easy. Right when the bigger man was going to bring his thumb down and continue making his way down the road he was suddenly punched in the face by something.

Jonathan watched in horror as the bigger man had been suddenly surrounded by a bunch of baboons! The baboons were screeching wildly as each of them began taking turns hitting the bigger man who had been knocked over by the punch. The big man began yelling in pain and in anger as he had suddenly been attacked but when he stood up to confront his aggressors he was suddenly pushed from behind!

One of the baboons had gotten behind him and pushed him in the direction of the street making him fall off of the roof of the building and onto the horn of a bull below, "AHHHH!" Jonathan only heard one scream before the man went silent and Jonathan looked away.

'THIS IS CRAZY!' Jonathan screamed in his mind as he thought about what he had just seen. The bulls were one thing but it seems that there was something even more dangerous in the mix now. Those that try to take to the easy route will be punished or at least that's the thought Jonathan had on what the game was trying to tell him with the addition of the baboons.

Jonathan began focusing ahead of him making sure he was keeping his pace fast enough to be ahead of the bulls but when he looked in front of him he realized that some people had begun climbing on top of the buildings! None of them had heard the scream from behind due to it being drowned out by the constant stomping of the bulls and just the pure distance gap but now none of them knew the danger that they were in!

Jonathan knew that he had to do something when he glanced backward and saw that the baboons had detected the new people on top of the rooves. They had begun sprinting their way toward the people trying to end their lives as soon as possible.

Jonathan didn't want these people to die so he began using a lot more energy than he had originally planned to use at the beginning of the game but he rushed with everything he had trying to warn those that were on the roof of their impending doom.