Kicking And Screaming

Angela was struggling to make it any farther as the bulls were a few feet behind her. Panic was evident on her face as she seemed to be struggling more than she should be to run, "HELP ME!" Angela shouted toward Jonathan seeing that he was the closest person to her.

Jonathan quickly made his way toward Angela seeing that she was in trouble. He would do his best not to have another person die before him, and he intended to keep that true. When Angela saw Jonathan making his way toward her she began smiling almost immediately seeing that there was some hope left.

Once Jonathan finally made his way toward Angela he placed himself right in front of her before lowering his hands and placing them behind his back, "HOP ON!" Jonathan shouted over the loud stomping of the bulls behind them. He planned to keep Angela on his back so he could take her farther forward before letting her down. While he was using a lot more energy than he had intended, he wasn't out of energy yet.

When Angela saw what Jonathan was doing she didn't hesitate and threw herself onto Jonathan latching herself onto his back. She tucked her legs around his waist and placed her arms around his neck securely so that she wouldn't fall.

When Angela jumped on Jonathan's back he almost tripped and fell over due to the absurd amount of weight he suddenly felt on his back. He didn't remember Angela ever being this heavy but the more he thought about it the more he realized that there was a time previously when she had weighed a lot more than she should have.

When Kylie and Jonathan were trying to lift Angela's sleeping body in the first game she suddenly began weighing a lot more than previously making it a lot harder for them to keep her safe and it now seemed like it was a similar situation.

Now that Jonathan felt Angela's new weight he understood why she was having such a hard time running. Weighing more than usual and still trying to run at the same speed puts a lot more strain on the body and makes energy run out quicker which was exactly what happened in Angela's case.

With Angela on his back Jonathan began powering his legs forward running with full strength to try and distance himself from the bulls that were trying to impale both him and Angela. It went well at first with Jonathan catching up with the people he saved before and even some people that were slower but that only lasted as long as Jonathan had energy in the tank.

If it were Jonathan before he saved all the people on the roof he might have been able to make it much longer but when he saved the people on the roof he kept having to speed up and slow down based on when he needed to catch each person or try and yell at the other two. It had caused a high depletion of energy and the depletion only continued with the new added weight to his back but he refused to give up or die.

"GAHH!" Jonathan shouted in the air trying his best to channel his inner demon and scream his way to find some energy within himself. Angela was looking at him worried from beside his shoulder as she still didn't have the energy to run against the speed of the bulls.

With each passing second the people that Jonathan had passed before got further and further away until there was no one within his sight. Everyone had passed him and made it further along the road leaving Angela and himself to their lonesome with the only other company being the raging stomps of the bulls behind them, even the baboons had long since left chasing people that were trying to get on the roofs ahead.

Jonathan was almost out of energy and was slowly losing ground on the bulls. Seconds passed but suddenly Jonathan woke from his tired state after he heard a small grunt only a few feet behind him. Jonathan quickly peeked his head behind him while running and became terrified when he realized that the bulls were less than 5 feet away from him.

"AHHH!" Jonathan screamed once more trying to rouse some sort of energy within himself to push forward. He began thinking about how if he were to stop now then it was all over and he was going to die. Not only himself but also Angela would die, he had two lives in his hands.

With these thoughts, he was able to push forward barely keeping up with the bulls and keeping the 5 feet that they had apart. Jonathan was a man on a mission and he continued to trek the never-ending pathway with Angela on his back while sweat began pouring all over his face and body.

By the time something happened his entire body was drenched in sweat which sucked since he still had no idea how to take the suit off. Jonathan was half delirious by this point and didn't see the scene in front of him until Angela said something.

"JONATHAN LOOK!" Angela shouted for the first time pointing over Jonathan's shoulder toward a certain area ahead of them.

When Jonathan registered Angela talking he also looked in that direction and was surprised to see one of the doors on a building opening. However, it wasn't opening normally like a door would but instead was opening similar to the way the bulls entered. Like the way a garage door opens with the door going upward.

The section began opening and lifting until it was completely opened and showed a path going straight left. There was a sign above the door that read 'Being in the front doesn't mean first.'. When Jonathan read this familiar sentence he couldn't help but grin in relief since he thought that this might be their saving grace.

With the potential of passing the game in front of him, Jonathan roused what little energy he had left and began sprinting with all he had toward the opening on the left side of the street.