The Final?

The more Jonathan thought about it the more he realized that it was a good thing that Angela had passed out. He reflected on the way he acted and carried himself after she let him inside the force field and thought that it wasn't something he wanted her to see. It was a very bloody scene full of bad people and death which was not something he wanted to expose to the girl in front of him that looked so innocent.

The world that they were currently living in was already bad enough as it was since there were people dying every time they entered another game. She didn't need another addition to that after entering the area that was supposed to be used for rest.

"No worries at all. If you ever run into more guys like that then you can leave them to me." Jonathan said with a smile as he flexed his bicep showing that he was able to take them down if necessary.

When Kylie and Angela saw Jonathan do that they couldn't help but stare at him silently before bursting out with laughter. The laughs caught Jonathan off guard and made him a little embarrassed since he was serious but he was glad he could put a smile on their faces especially since they were about to enter another game.

"We should probably head toward the door." Jonathan suggested when he glanced at the clock. There were only 3 minutes remaining from the original 5 and most of the people still left had already arrived at the area hoping that the next game would be simple.

Kylie also looked up toward the clock and nodded her head in agreement. Like that the trio made their way over to the door where everyone was waiting patiently for the game to begin. While they were waiting Jonathan decided to ask a few random questions.

"What do you think the game will be?" Jonathan asked Kylie and Angela wanting to know their take given the challenges they've had so far.

Both Angela and Kylie thought for a second before each replying differently, "So far everything has been about strength and physicality so I think the trend will continue for now. Maybe in future games there will be a slight difference." Kylie suggested as she thought hard about what could possibly give them a hint on the next game.

"I think it will be the opposite." Angela said suddenly making her thoughts known on the matter. When Jonathan and Kylie heard her response they each had different reactions with Jonathan looking at her with curiosity and Kylie looking at her as if she didn't really expect much.

"What makes you say that?" Jonathan asked wanting to know what she thought the game would be like. Unlike Kylie, Jonathan thought quite highly of Angela. Ever since he had met her she has always had a somewhat mature response to things while also having a very good thinking process. While it may not be on the level of Jonathan it was still higher than every kid her age or even slightly older than her.

"The first game wasn't all about strength. The main part of that challenge was the ability to work together. Based on how you guys described it to me it sounded like unless somebody was there to help others it wouldn't have even been possible to make it past the first few obstacles. Then the second game, was all about strength and endurance like Kylie just said which means to me there is only one type of challenge left. A solo challenge. This could be something to test each person individually and see whether they can survive on their own or not. It could be a brain puzzle or a combination of everything so far." Angela said as she placed her hand on her chin.

The more she talked about how the challenge may go the more Jonathan and Kylie were both left in shock. This was not the level of thinking a child should have! This thinking was even deeper than what Jonathan had thought so far. He was along the same track as her but he was still miles behind in comparison.

"You might actually be right. Now that I think about it everything you just said is right on the money." Jonathan said out loud as he went through every possibility once more.

"That was beyond impressive." Kylie couldn't help but say.

Angela just gave both of them a smile happy that she proved herself to be very smart after she considered her failure at not only protecting herself but also her friends.

Jonathan continued with his thoughts about what Angela said as the time began to wind down. There were many different thoughts in his mind not only about what has happened recently but also about the game as a whole.

They still had yet to explain how long the game was and if there was a way to win in the first place. For all they know the game could continue forever or until every single one of them eventually die. However, there was a slight chance of hope since Jonathan realized after every game they acquired a memory of their past.

No matter how small a memory was still a memory and they would pile up until they eventually remembered who they truly were before all the games began. With that information Jonathan hoped he could find a way out and gain back his freedom.


"The timer is now over! It sucks that all of you made it over here. I haven't been able to shock anybody in a while but hopefully that will change with this upcoming game. Welcome to the final game of this floor! If you make it past this one then you will be one step closer to gaining your freedom and leaving this place! The game will be explained as you go in so good luck!" The Watcher said appearing before disappearing soon after.

'Floors?' Jonathan thought to himself.