The Doors

Jonathan was thinking about what The Watcher meant by floors when the door to the challenge finally opened. The door opened wide enough for many people to begin walking in at the same time and what Jonathan saw surprised him.

There was no big and lavish game that shouted at you dangerous or something along those lines but instead, there was a long hallway with doors on each side of it. Beside the handle of each of the doors there was a small screen that read 0/1 on all of them.

The only other thing in the room was at the end of the hallway and it was a 10-minute timer that was slowly ticking down, "What do we do here?" Jonathan said out loud as everyone made it into the hallway.

All the people in the room were just as confused as Jonathan was since the only thing in the room was a door and a timer. After wasting 2 minutes just walking around someone finally opened a door and walked inside.

Jonathan and many others had been watching the man walk inside but the only thing they saw was a very dark room. However, once the person walked just enough inside that the door could close the door suddenly slammed on its own.


"Hey! Are you ok in there?!" Jonathan shouted as he ran to the door banging on it and trying to pull on the handle.

No matter how much Jonathan pulled and prodded at the handle it didn't budge and didn't look like it would any time soon. In addition to this Jonathan couldn't hear any response from the guy that went inside which made him more nervous.

After glancing around the door for any more clues Jonathan realized that the little screen on the door changed from a 0/1 to a 1/1.

'It can only fit one person?!' Jonathan thought in shock.

"Each door can only take one person and I think it takes us to our own individual challenge." Jonathan explained to those around him that were staring at him waiting for what he thought about the doors.

Many had come to look up to him and only moved once they knew what Jonathan thought which was a weakness for many but at the same time they didn't want to risk being wrong. Thus far Jonathan had not been wrong a single time and had saved many of them in the games letting them make it this far.

So whatever he said was absolute and they would follow it.

"So what do we do?" Kylie asked wondering what he thinks they should do now that they understand the doors. Was the timer a test to see if they would wait or is it a timer to see if they will go in the doors?

"I think we each just go in one of the doors. If the timer runs out I think we will definitely die. The Watcher has been aching to electrocute some people so I think he might have intentionally left out some part that we were supposed to know." Jonathan explained getting nods from Angela and a few others.

"That would be something they would do. I think we should listen to Jonathan." Someone in the crowd said thinking that Jonathan was right.

More than 90% of the people were in agreement with Jonathan but there was always that little 10% that had to make themselves known, "I disagree! I think that Jonathan is trying to lead us to our death! Do you always think he has our best interest in mind?! Think for yourselves because I'm staying until the timer runs out!" Someone else shouted getting some agreement as well but not nearly as many as Jonathan got.

"Do whatever you want but I'm not going to die just because I was dumb enough to stay in here." Jonathan said before walking over to Kylie and Angela.

"I will see you guys once we all finish." Jonathan said toward them with a smile. He also went over and said good luck to those that he was acquainted with such as Barry.

Jonathan got nods and hugs from his friends telling him good luck as well making him ready to take on the challenge. Once everyone was finished with their temporary good bye's Jonathan walked over to one of the empty rooms opened the door and then walked into the pitch-black darkness.

When Jonathan walked inside he was slightly scared for a moment when he realized just how dark it was, he couldn't even see his hands in front of him! The only light that Jonathan had was from the open door but that soon changed when it slammed shut voiding the light from his retinas.

'Well this is a new experience.' Jonathan thought nervously as he tried to feel around the room and find out what was going on. As Jonathan was feeling around he wasn't able to find anything that would tell him something about the room but luckily he didn't have to wait long since the lights in the room suddenly came on soon after he thought about giving up on looking.

'Well that's convenient.' Jonathan thought to himself.

Little did Jonathan know that the reason for the lights being out was due to the timer in the original hallway. People such as the first person that had entered had been waiting in the darkness for over 8 minutes without knowing what was happening while Jonathan only had to wait around 4 minutes.

When the lights came on what Jonathan saw in front of him left him speechless. There were three glass cases that each had a button on the front of it. This wouldn't have been too unusual if not for the fact that inside each one of the cases there was an animal.

One case had a goat, another had a pig, and the final one had a sheep. Each one of the animals seemed to be in a deep sleep without any sign of waking up soon.