Backward Planet

"We'll figure out what your ability is later, firstly you should change, your clothes are stained with blood" Tessa said before turning to Adam "Find him something to wear"

Adam nodded and closed his eyes then he swiped in the air a couple of times before he stopped and opened his eyes. Then a shirt and pants appeared on his hands.

"Here..." he handed the clothes to Pel but the latter was still trying to comprehend what he saw.

"It's just like your spatial storage Ito" Pel said as he collected the clothes.

[Indeed host but it should be far inferior]

"Who is Ito?" Adam asked with a confused expression.

"My system, I noticed you people couldn't see him, must be because of the inferiority of your species" Pel said thoughtfully.

"R... ight" Adam said and walked away slowly with a weird smile.

Tessa stared at Pel and shook her head. "Just put on the clothes" then she started walking away.

"Okay. Put on" Pel snapped his fingers but nothing happened which left him confused but not as confused as the others.

Trevor turned to Adam and the other was staring at him with the same open mouth. 'What is this guy doing?' they both thought.

Flora and Tessa, we're not much better. The former was blinking in confusion while the latter squinted her eyes at Pel trying to guess what he was doing.

"Put on!" Pel snapped his finder again but nothing happened which left him furious. "Which imbecile designed this stuff?"

"What are you even trying to achieve?!" Tessa asked as she could not take any more of the drama.

"What do you mean, I already snapped twice but it's still not responding" Pel said glaring at the clothes on the ground.

The others were left completely and utterly speechless until Flora decided to speak.

"Why are you snapping your fingers aren't you supposed to be putting the shirt on?"

"Have you been living in a rock?" Adam muttered.

Pel was confused and ignored the skinny boy's words. "Isn't that what I'm doing?" but after staring at their confused faces realization dawned on him and he was left shocked.

"You mean you want me to wear it manually?" Pel was petrified at the thought.

"Okay, you know what, I'm gonna go receive some fresh air, Flora deal with him" and like that Tessa escaped from there. Trevor and Adam took the chance to escape as well leaving only Flora with Pel.

Flora sighed and turned to Pel. "Isn't that how everyone does it?"

Pel was now even more shocked. Thinking of all the time wasted by these species just to wear some clothes made him feel nauseous.

On planet Nodard, clothes were made with an ingrained ability to wrap themselves on the wearer with just the snap of a figure. Peel could not believe there was such a backward planet in the galaxy.

'Alas such a terrible life, they don't even know they're suffering'

"Ito please hand me my casual clothes, maybe I should show this earthling an example of what it feels like to wear a cloth"


The next moment a clean pair of clothes appeared in Pel's hands.

Flora was startled and immediately called out to the others who were surprised to learn that Pel summoned new clothes.

"I thought you said you don't know what your ability is?" Tessa frowned.

"That was Ito not me, anyway this is how clothes should behave. Put on" Pel snapped his fingers and his clothes changed the previous one he was wearing was now lying on the ground.

"What the..." Adam was shocked but at least he was able to utter something, the others were frozen in place.

" did you do that, is that your ability?" Trevor asked curiously.

"Again I did not do anything, it was the clothes" Pel sighed, a part of him started pitying this race while the other part lamented on his terrible luck landing on such a backward planet.

Tessa did not say anything but signaled the others to follow her and they hurdled up. "So we all agree he's crazy but we do not understand his ability..."

"What if he is really an alien?" Trevor asked a bit enthusiastically causing the others to stare at him with dead eyes.

"Very funny, look at him, can't you tell he's human, my guess is he didn't survive his evolution unscratched which must have messed with his brain real bad" Tessa said and the others nodded since she had a point.

"So should we send him away?" Tessa asked.

"Besides his craziness, he's not bad and he might have a useful ability" Adam suggested.

"Anyone else?" Tessa asked but since no one spoke it was anonymously decided that Adam's suggestion was the best.

"Well you'll be staying for the meantime which means you can't escape responsibilities. We'll be going out to stock up on our food supplies soon...this area crawls with awakened thugs so try to keep up as much as possible" Tessa said seriously.

* * *

Later the five of them went outside the ruins and then began walking. Pel ignored it at first but as they continued he decided to ask.

"Where's our transportation?"

"Now what is he talking about" Adam groaned feeling frustrated since it hadn't really been quiet.

"Are we walking all the way?" Pel asked with a raised eyes.

"We don't have a car so of course we're walking" Tessa facepalimg.

'What is a car? Is it a mode of transportation for them? even then shouldn't they have their special means of traveling small distances?'

"Even if you do not have this car you speak of, you must have your own hover rings right?" Pel asked with an expectant gaze.

Tessa was frustrated. "What the hell is a hover ring?"

Pel stared at them in shock. 'They can't be serious right, even a toddler knows what a hover ring is, what kind of planet is this?'

"Ito my hover ring" Pel sighed as sadness gripped his heart. Even the worst planet he had been to was better than this one. How was he ever going to save his species with the hep of this species that don't even know what a hover ring is?