Hover Ring

In the presence of Tessa, Flora, Trevor and Adam, a white ring appeared out of nowhere on Pel's palm.

"This is a hovering ring, it can take the shape of any... accessory but it is created as a ring" Pel explained not even feeling smug because of the simplicity of the item he was introducing.

"What can it do?" Trevor asked excitedly.

"This" Pel threw the ring up a bit and it stopped midair.

Then the ring released a bright blue glow which enveloped Pel for a few seconds. After that, the ring was nowhere to be found while Pel lifted off from the ground as if he was in space.

"A hover ring is a telepathic object, it's function is to manipulate the gravity around the holder or wearer, the gravitational force around me now should be around 0.00001 or so...depending on the original gravitational force of your planet"

"I have no idea what you just said but the fact that you're flying is awesome" Trevor said while Adam nudged him at the side trying to pull him into the excitement as well.

He quieted down and then turned to Tessa who was staring at Pel with a weird expression.

"So is this your ability?" she asked.

'Such poor creatures, even after such a detailed explanation they still can't understand, how have they survived until now' Pel inwardly sighed before he spoke.

"As I said before, this isn't my doing, it's the ring. I have more and I'm willing to offer them to your pathetic species, they're cheap back home and even though I made these myself out of boredom you can have them...its the least I can do to help your race a bit"

Tessa and the rest were once again left speechless. How destructive mana could be they wondered.

'Great, it's the middle of the apocalypse and we're stuck with a boy that had gone full cray-cray...but where did he get his gadgets' Tessa's thought was interrupted when she felt something gaining on her.

She caught it and found out it was a white ring just like the one Pel brought out earlier. She looked around and the others also got one.

Still, in midair, Pel performed a slight bow "you are most welcome"

"Okay look playtime is over, we don't know how this thing exactly works, you may fly up and then end up falling to your death, it's too dangerous" Tessa said while Pel shook his head with a frustrated look on his face.

"You just have to send your thoughts into it, what is so hard" Pel was very disappointed in this human species.

The others turned to Tessa as if seeking permission and the latter could only sigh in defeat.

After receiving the go-ahead, Trevor was the first to try it, he threw the ring up but nothing happened and he blinked at Pel confused.

"What are you doing?" Pel asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I threw it up just like you did.." Trevor said.

"Ito, how do humans express their frustration?"


[Answer, 90% expressing it with an act called facepalming. It involves slapping the forehead or the entirety of their face with a palm]

"Understood" Pel then turned to Trevor and facepalmed. "What I did was just flair, all you have to do is send your thought, asking it to bind"

"Ooooh" Trevor said with an amused smile and did as Pel instructed.

The next moment the ring release a blue glow and disappeared then Trevor started floating on air.

"It works!!" Adam exclaimed and also quickly tried his, the others followed after.

* * *

Few moments later five teenagers were floating off the ground but four seemed to be struggling to control their bodies.

Tessa was the first to get a hang of it and Pel guessed it wasn't just because she was the leader. Then Adam, before Flora, unimaginably, Trevor was the last to keep his body under control.

"This is really convenient but I suggest we don't use it in front of outsiders unless we have no choice, so we should try to stay out of sight" Tessa said before she started floating away.

* * *

After checking, most of the supermarkets close by had been robbed already.

They eventually found one but it was guarded and they guessed a gang had had taken over the place.

"Going through the roof will take too long and since it's glass there will be noise. Our only entry is the front or back which is being guarded" Tessa said. "We need a distraction...Trevor, can you create a tornado big enough to get those guys away from the entrance?"

"I might but if there's a wind elemantalist among them he won't be affected much and we'll just be alerting," Trevor said.

The group was currently on top of a roof and every plan they come up with had either a big or fatal flaw.

"I can't believe I'm saying this..." Tessa sighed as she turned to Pel. "Can you help?"

Pel only smiled before walking to the middle. "How big of a distraction do you want?"

"Just do whatever you can to get them away for a while" Tessa sighed.

Pel nodded and squinted his eyes at the four burly men standing outside the supermarket. "Ito run an analysis, what would get them far away quickly?"


[Not enough data. Due the constant change, there are too many factors and a perfect answer can not be provided immediately]

"Okay check the storage space, can Toxao function on this planet?" Pel asked with his hand on his chin.

[95% chances]

"That's a yes. Summon Taxao"

* * *

Tessa and the others watched Pel soliloquize again but did not disturb him, they were starting to get used to his craziness or his ability might even involve speaking to invincible beings.

After he was done, a big white blob appeared out of nowhere and it started moving to take a humanoid form before completely transforming into Pel.

"What is that thing?" Adam asked the question that was on everyone's mind.

"This is Taxao or as you humans would like to call it, a pet" Pel smiled.

"That thing is a pet...I think I'm starting to believe his crazy talk about not being human" Adam gasped.

"What can it do?" Tessa moved straight to the point.

"Well according to my calculation, one day here is 24 hours and those hours are not enough for me to explain his abilities. You should see it for yourself" Pel then turned to Taxao.

"I want every human in the vicinity unconscious during the time of our operation"

"As you wish Pel" Taxao said in Pel's voice before disappearing.

Tessa and the others expected an exchange of muscles or maybe abilities but the only thing they could see from their height was one human falling after another.

Their disbelief was shown on their faces and they were even more shocked when Taxao appeared after twenty seconds.