Looting The Supermarket

After Taxao returned Pel kept him back in the spacial storage, he depleted almost half of his energy which was not normal for such a simple task.

As it turned out, he couldn't be in his optimal condition on the planet and had to recharge slowly in the storage space.

'I have to set up my lab soon, I can't let this planet hold me back, it would have been so good if my mobile lab was here'

"So that's it?" Tessa asked confused.

"Indeed we should go in and start taking the things we need" Pel said and lifted off, flying to the entrance of the supermarket.

The others shrugged and followed him cautiously. Seeing the unconscious men lying at the entrance Trevor gulped while Flora was bold enough to get close and poked one on the forehead.

When he had no reaction they sighed in relief.

"Wow there's no sign of injury or anything, it's just like they're asleep" Flora said as she examined them.

"Let's be quick" Tessa said and walked into the supermarket. They all unequipped their hovering and wore them on their finger for convenience's sake.

"Collect as many provisions as you can carry. If Adam's space gets filled up, we'll carry the others by hand"

After Tessa gave the instruction the others nodded and they parted ways...except Pel who seemed to be deep in thought.

"Why are you still here?" Tessa asked.

"Define provisions, Ito had already scanned the entire shop but there's no Scrimpa anywhere unless you have another name for it?" Pel said.

"What the hell is a Scrimpa?" Tessa narrowed her eyes.

"Food..." Pel said somewhat unsure of how to explain it in human language.

"You know what just come with me?" Tessa groaned in frustration.

Pel went with her, observing her every action. "You do not seem to have any preference"

"Oh... well you see when you find yourself in an apocalypse you have no choice but to eat whatever is edible" Tessa growled.

'What is wrong with her?'

"Ito put everything the human find edible" Pel sighed and started walking off to another section.


Seeing Pel talk to himself again, Tessa ignored him but the next moment every thing disappeared from the shelf. She turned to him in shock but he was behaving as if all was well.

"What did you do?"

"I put everything in Ito's space storage" Pel said and Tessa did not even know what to say but then an idea came to mind.

"Is there a limit to how much you can take in?" Tessa asked.

"I'm not sure, Ito has never been filled before and I've had him since I was a baby" Pel said.

"Okay then empty this place..." Tessa smiled but after seeing Pel still stare at her with the same emotionless face, her smile turned upside-down.


"Are stating a command or making a request?" Pel asked.

"Does it matter?"

"It does, I will not be disrespected by an inferior species" Pel blinked.

Tessa's breathing hitched as she resisted the urge to slap him across the face but the took a deep breath and stared at him. "Please, I humbly ask thee to wipe this place clean"

Pel's smile broadened. "It feels nice, I'm starting to get addicted to your language...Ito, if you please"

Tessa rolled her eyes but she paused her actions when she saw the goods on the shelf disappearing at a fascinating speed.

"Holy..." she covered her mouth in shock, the sight was something she had never imagined.

She regained her senses after seeing the others running toward them.

"It disappeared everything even the ones I was holding" Trevor panted while the other two worried-filled faces.

"No need to worry, Pel here has them" Tessa assured and they sighed in relief but then confusion took over when they didn't see Pel holding anything.

"He has a space storage" Tessa answered their unspoken questions.

Realization dawned on them and they made their way out. They exited the place without a hitch and returned to their secret hideout.

* * *

Meanwhile, after the guards regained consciousness, fear gripped their hearts when they discovered that the shop had been robbed.

"We're doomed boss is gonna kill us"

"Yeah but we still have to report, the group must have been powerful to put us all asleep without us even knowing"

"We might get rewarded"

"Rewarded? Idiot, look at the shop do you seriously think we'll get rewarded after we let everything get stolen?"

"What should we do then, run away?"

"Naive, the boss will kill us before we can escape"

While these guards were arguing among themselves, they didn't notice the newcomer that suddenly arrived. "What happened?"

The guards froze as they stared at the newcomer. He was a young man with purple hair and eyes, his face was calm, too calm for a delinquent but his calmness was what scared the guards the most.

"Venom sir, what brings you here?" one of the guards chuckled trying to hide the awkwardness.

The young man did not respond and the guards gulped before one decided to speak.

"T..the store was robbed"

"How?" Venom frowned.

"We don't know how they did it but...we...were unconscious when they robbed it.

"So you know nothing of the perpetrators" Venom asked calmly and the guards school their heads still scared for their life.

"Then you're useless" after he uttered the words he waves his hand and purple smoke shrouded them after which they started falling like dead flies.

"Is it a rival gang we don't know about?" Venom thought but then shrugged.

"Whatever, let's see what he decides"