A Scare Of A Lifetime

Venom arrived in front of a hotel in the middle of town. This hotel was the current base of Dead Echo.

When the apocalypse started three weeks ago, only few could survive the sudden influx of mana into their system and many where still unconscious in god knows where while others are lucky to be found.

Those who survived were awakened according to the news flying around.

Besides Dead Echo there used to be other gangs but at the beginning of the apocalypse, they awakened strong members and took the initiative to swallow up the other gangs.

The leader wasn't satisfied and wanted to have all the awakened in town by his side and for his plan to work he ordered the eradication of every government official.

They broke into the town station and found a lot of worthy awakeners among the prisoners. As time went by, their scale and strength kept increasing so it wasn't far-fetched to say they owned the town.

Venom went to the last floor and an entire a particular room with blinding interiors, most things were painted or probably made of Gold.

On the bed a young man looking like the older version of Venom laid down sleeping. Instead of purple though, his hair was bright red.

Venom walled to the bed and let out a sigh, then he controlled his purple fog to move towards the sleeping guy's nostrils.

Before the fog could touch him though, it vanished.

"I don't know why those guys are scared of me when I can't even touch your hair" Venom sighed.

The sleeping guy opened his eyes and sat up. "If you wake me like that again, I'll help you know what being burned alive feels like"

"No thank you, I don't want any lessons, just came to deliver a message...Since when did I go from second in command to errand boy?" Venom complained.

"Just speak"

"There might be another gang in the town, our food storage was... one of our food storage was robbed" Venom said indifferently.

"Are you sure it's a gang?" the other asked and got off the bed to put on some clothes.

"No. The idiots you placed on guard duty were all unconscious when the robbery happened" Venom shrugged.

The other did not respond but nodded. "Organise a search party, comb the entire town bring back every awanked you find, if they resist kill unless they're interesting. We have to be sure this was done by other gangs"

* * *

Pel and the others came back to the hideout with joyful looks on their faces.

"Too bad we don't have the things to cook a grand meal" Trevor sighed. The others had the same thought, the only that would happen was if they changed location to a house that was still functional.

"We can't hide here forever..." Flora said and Tessa sighed.

"If you all want to move then it's fine we move by evening but we have to come back here in the daytime or we might get caught" Tessa sighed.

"That's okay, at least I'll be able to sleep in a bed again" Adam said and the others nodded.

While the group was discussing their temporary relocation, Pel was experiencing what we call being pressed.

"It's run a scan and tell me what is wrong with this body"


[Body is in optimal condition but according to the human setting, it seems you have to go..]

"Go where?" for the first time, Pel couldn't understand what Ito was saying.

[According to the scan this body needs to release waste, every now and then]

"What?!" Pel was shocked. He had found yet another setback of this species.

The others were startled by his shout and turned to him with questioning looks.

"Please excuse me" Pel said and walked far away. 'It appears there are things I have to check by myself'

"Take off" Pel snapped his finger and the next moment he was naked.

Then he saw it, the reason for his discomfort.


Pel's heart was beating so fast in fear. "What is this?!!"

Tessa and the others came running after hearing his terrified scream but when they Pel naked, Tessa and Flora made a U-turn.

"What's wrong?" Adam asked with a sigh that masked his frustration.

"What is wrong?...What is this thing latched to me between my leg" Pel asked pointing at his d*ck.

"Man...listen there is a limit to what we can take, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Adam shouted, unable to contain his anger.

What came next was Trevor's laughter. The poor guy was already on the ground. "I told you he's really an alien"

"From your reaction I'm guessing this is normal" Pel said with a confused expression.

"Of course it is normal, please don't tell me you haven't peed before" Adam gave a frustrated grunt.

"With my understanding of the human term, I don't think I have" Pel replied still looking at his thing strangely.

"First put some clothes on, second you don't just go naked wherever you want" Adam said.

"You've said that you never had to pee but isn't this your body?" Trevor suddenly asked.

"Far from that, my original body is nothing like this" Pel shook his head with a frown.

"So you don't have a d*ck?" Trevor asked with a raised eyebrow.

"So that is the name for this, no we don't. Kerki food is entirely made out of every nutritious substance so there are no wastes and for that reason we don't need to go...forget the food, our biology does not include this extra..." Pel explained.

Adam was stupified while Trevor nodded as if he understood what Pel was saying.

"So in simple English, you really are an alien stuck in a human body" Trevor said with a bright smile.

"If you put it like that then I am" Pel nodded.

Adam felt his belief crumbling as he stared at Pel, a real alien how was that even possible? He was still finding it hard to accept their new lives as elementalists and now they had an alien in their midst.

What a great way to start the apocalypse. He didn't even know what to think of the entire situation but he knew it could not get worse than this...hopefully.