
"Come on, Adam not you too" Tessa said after she listened to his reasoning.

"Even, I don't wanna believe but the guy can't pee as in, he doesn't know how to, if he's no alien it's fine but he is definitely not human...even dogs know how to respond to nature's call" Adam said.

"You might have a point but you have eyes, look at him, he's 100% human" Tessa pointed at him.

"Technically, I'm only 50% human" Pel added.

"Fine let's just say you are an alien, why do you look like a human?" Tessa frowned.

"Believe me I have no idea either, after I teleported to the surface of your planet I blacked out and the next thing I woke up to was a soothing feeling on my forehead and then you guys" Pel said.

"How do I know you're not making it up and even if really are, why to go about telling everyone?" Tessa asked.

"Am I not supposed to?" Pel asked confused.

"What Tessa is trying to say is that you shouldn't disclose personal information about yourself like that. Although we did not believe you, others might have and take advantage of that" Flora slowly explained.

Pel smiled. "So you are caring for me but you don't have to worry, your outdated technologies cannot harm me"

Tessa looked at Pel's smiling face and her lips twitched, what happened next was a black lightning bolt heading to his face.

Before it could reach Pel though, time slowed down and the bolt stopped completely.

"What was that for?" Pel asked with an angry face.

The others stood rooted to the ground as they started at Tessa's bolt frozen.

"Wow you really are untouchable, how did you do that?" Trevor asked with stars in his eyes.

"Seriously Tessa?" Flora said.

Tessa turned to her and shrugged. "I was testing his defense"

"Well, your test just cost me a warping device" Pel frowned. "Ito install another"


"So how did you just do that?" Tessa asked, ignoring the fact that she almost sent him to his death.

"Kerki technology can not be understood by you even if you devote your entire life to learning" Pel scoffed. It was apparent he was pissed off by Tessa's action and she wasn't even apologizing.

"Okay, stopping my bolt doesn't prove you're an alien" Tessa said with folded arms.

"You want proof huh?" Pel narrowed his eyes. "Ito, please give me a 'Moment' with my family's image on it"


Seconds later a somewhat grey cube appeared on Pel's palm and a holographic image was shown. A white humanoid creature with two antennas sticking out of its forehead was displayed.

The creature had a blue triangular iris which was dazzling, its ears were long like that of mystical creatures known as Elves and he had a pink overall on pretty weird but still clothes.

The group stared at the creature and then at Pel, trying to make a connection.

"Urgh, come on can't you guess it, that is me" Pel rolled his eyes.

"No way" Trevor gasped.

"There is no all" Flora said.

"I thought aliens were supposed to be green?" Adam said thoughtfully.

"Where did you get that idea?" Pel asked surprised. "You cant just stereotype every species like that, its not very nice"

"That's what I heard" Adam shrugged.

Tessa remained silent and continued observing the holographic pic. "If this is you then how did you become like this?"

"I thought we've already moved on from that point" Pel groaned.

"Fine but all you've done is complain about how backward we are, if earth is so bad then why did you come in the first place"

"That is actually a great question?" Adam nodded.

"Oh no...are you planning to invade us?" Trevor panicked while the others rolled their eyes.

"Trust me no intelligent species will want to invade this planet even if you offer it for free" Pel shook his head.

"Great to know" Tessa said sarcastically. "So tell us the reason for gracing us with your presence"

"Even if you're being sarcastic, I am pleased with the acknowledgment. The reason I'm here is for a break to think I guess" Pel sighed.

"What does that mean?" Flora asked confused.


"My family is being held captive and my planet is probably on the verge of destruction" Pel said.


None of them knew how to respond to the sad alien but before they could think of something, he continued:

"I alone am probably not enough that was why I was off looking for help, but between being scared and running away, I got lost in space. Don't get me wrong, I can always find the way back but turning back was stupid so I just continued forward hoping to find a planet inhabited by intelligent species"

"That is how I discovered your planet and trust me it looks way better on the outside. I tried to come to the surface with random teleport but the moment my feet touched land an unidentified substance invaded my suit and the next I know, I'm stuck in the body of one of your kind"

"I should have stopped to explore this body first, then I wouldn't have caused inconvenience to Adam and Trevor but seriously that thing below my belly is really weird, what is it called again, yeah a..."

"Too much info!" Tessa shouted with red ears.

Adam and Trevor were so embarrassed they wanted to bury their head in shame. 'What is wrong with him, can't he just be quiet about it, this is a disaster to every male out there'

"Okay so now do you believe me?" Pel asked.

"It's not like we have a choice, you're too dumb to be a human anyway" Tessa rolled her eyes.

Pel frowned. "I will have you know that I'm the youngest inventor of my time, I dabbled hover ring at the age of five, my first nano blaster was made when I was just seven years old so you take back what you just said"

"Yeah we don't really care" Tessa said with a deadpan expression.

"Oh, you will" Pel said and walked away.

"He sure gets upset quickly" Trevor said and the others nodded. At least now they had finally fully accepted he was not human which meant they had their work cut out for them.

"Let's rest now, we'll move when it's dark" Tessa said.