Needle Shooter

"What are you even doing here...oh I see you organized the theft" Venom said angrily.

"Theft?" Tessa scoffed. "It wasn't yours to begin with"

" not how you talk to your older brother" Venom said and then Tessa was sent flying with a slap.

"I do not have an older brother, you're all dead to me" Tessa huffed as she stood up.

Her eyes were blazing in fury and black zaps of lighting sizzled around her arm.

"Black lighting huh? looks good...then I don't have to be lenient" Venom growled and his purple features glowed brighter.

His eyes turned cold and then Tessa was soon covered in purple mist. Her body felt numb and she fell to the ground. "You bastard fight me fairly"

"You've become even bolder...perhaps I should make you experience a bit of pain to keep you in check" Venom smirked.

Pel frowned. 'So scums can be found on this planet as well, with how terrible it is, I thought they would be dedicating their intelligence to improving'

"Okay I've seen enough, let her go" he said indifferently.

"What?" Venom was caught by surprise when one of the teenagers suddenly spoke up.

"Pel what are you doing?" Trevor whispered in fear.

"Speaking?" Pel said confused. "Anyway she doesn't recognize you, let her go"

"Tess who is he, your boyfriend?" Venom chuckled, finding the whole thing amusing.

"It's strange you consider someone who stands up for her, a boyfriend while you who claim to be a family member are actually doing this. What a waste of brain" Pel sighed.

Pin drop, the silence that followed after was deafening. Everyone stared at him in disbelief, could he not understand his predicament?

Trevor who felt his soul leave him a few seconds ago due to fear had his soul return from Pel's shocking attitude.

Venom stared at Pel and grinned but the grim was so creepy the other teenagers gulped.

"Stay out of this Pel" Tessa shouted and Pel gave her a confused gaze.

"He is trying to kill you, honestly I'm not one to interfere in other people's lives but considering you've been nice, I'm making an know that if I stand back, I won't help even if you end up being killed" Pel warned with seriously.

He respected bravery but there was a thin line that separated bravery from stupidity and looking at the both of them, even a blind man would be able to tell that Tessa was no match for her brother.

" dare you talk so calmly in front of me?" Venom said as he strolled towards Pel. He wanted to torture this guy for disrespecting him and also he could not lose his reputation in front of his men.

"You must have a death wish"

Pel did not pay him any attention but instead turned to Tessa. His question was clear in his eyes and seeing her turn away he got his answer...but before he could do anything another newcomer arrived.

He looked just like the former claiming to be Tessa's brother but instead of purple his eyes and hair were red.

"Big boss" the two goons saluted.

"What are you doing here?" Venom asked with a frown but was sent flying the next moment by a kick.

"I am still the boss!!" the newcomer said before running towards Tessa. "Are you..."

"Don't touch me!!!" Tessa roared when he was about to help her up.

"I can't believe you sent someone to spy on me" Venom emerged from the rubble created when he smashed into a pillar.

"I was making sure you wouldn't get out of hand" the big boss replied with a glare. "Release her, and someone tie these four up, if anyone refuses, heads will roll"

The two goons nodded while Venom scoffed before undoing whatever he did to Tessa.

"Let them go and I'll come with you" Tessa said.

"You are coming with us anyways" the big boss declared before grabbing Tessa's wrist.

The others obediently got tied up but when it came to Pels turn another drama unfolded.

"There is no way I'm letting myself get detained by a lower species" Pel said in disgust.

The big boss frowned. "I don't repeat myself, kill him"

Pel stared at the approaching goons and scoffed. "Ito, my needle shooter"

[Affimative host]

The next moment something resembling a black pen appeared on Pel's palm. "I've annoyed so I'm using decay needles"


Pel pointed the pen at the first goon and pressed the bottom. Then..there was no then, the goon turned to sand.

"What do you know, it's even more effective on them...pathetic"

Everyone froze, even Tessa and the others that had spent some time with him stared at him warily. He had just killed someone, it didn't matter how they died to because they couldn't even comprehend it.

What mattered was Pel had just taken a life without batting an eyelid.

Trevor almost fainted, such a person had been with them the entire time and they even made fun of him sometimes.

Adam stared at the pile of sand and then at Pel and his eyes rolled back to the back of his head. He fainted.

Tessa was only shocked while Flora tried to put up a tough look even though her forehead was sweating.

Venom was startled while the big boss frowned. "Is that your ability?"

"Well, I guess there are some similarities between you" Pel sighed. It was just like Tessa's question every time he pulled something off.

"That was not an ability but a toy, one I won't mind playing with again" Pel shrugged.

"Are you threatening me?" the big boss's gaze turned cold.

"Take it however you want, I only showed you what will happen if someone tried to restrain me..." then Pel turned to Venom. "You should now understand why I considered you a waste of brain"

Venom was speechless then it was replaced by anger but he was stopped by his older brother from making a move.

The big boss (Red Drake) was taught to never underestimate an opponent, he recognized strength when he saw one and the fact that Pel killed one of his men without an ounce of guilt gave him an ominous feeling.