Break Out

At the main base of the Dead Echo gang, Red Drake sat opposite Pel. They stared at each other right in the eye and neither refused to back down.

While Red was a little wary of Pel he didn't let it show on his face. Even before the mana surge Dead Echo had eyes in more than half of town and they had connections with everyone who was anyone.

Red himself had met with the mayor a couple of times so one should be able to guess how far their power had reached.

When the mana surge started, two third of the town was wiped out with the majority being normal people because they could not survive and for those who did it was only a matter of time before they awakened.

Not every city had taken the fall like their town had, it turned out most of the world had already prepared for the breakout of mana.

So when the government released a statement about a rescue operation, Dead echo found their chances slipping and decided to take the initiative to take control of town, only with enough power would they be able to negotiate with the government.

Back to the present, Red tried to remember if he had come in contact with anyone having even a slight resemblance to Pel because except for his face, nothing about Pel felt ordinary to him.

"Who are you?"

'What kind of question is that?' Pel thought. "I'm Pel"

'What is wrong with this kid, did he really not understand what I meant or is he hiding his identity?' Red thought. "Look you don't look like you're from this what is your purpose for being here?"

" that is what you mean, considering the circumstances I don't feel like sharing my background with you"

Pel decided to listen to Tessa and not give away his identity at first chance, the major reason for him hiding it was actually because he didn't like Red.

Meanwhile Red misunderstood. 'Looks like I was right, this boy is far from normal, how do I deal with him, I can't make a move without knowing the power behind him and he doesn't even look scared...might not be blind confidence'

His thought was disturbed by a knock coming from the door. "Who is it...I swear if it's nothing important you will lose your head!"

A gang member entered wearing a terrible expression. "Bad news boss, it's an attack"

Red's expression turned serious and Pel also stood up.

"Who?" Red asked with cold eyes.

"They are powerful elementalists and I think they were sent by the government"

"Why are they attacking us?" Red's face changed color and he left immediately, ignoring Pel's existence.

"Well in human terms, Karma is a bitch" Pel said and walked out the door. "Ito, can you find the others?"

[Yes host. I already have their life signs registered]

"Only do that for people you deem important, I don't want you to get tired"


"Okay are they together?"

[No, Flora, Trevor and Adam are locked up on the left side of the base while Tessa is locked on the right]

"Let's save Tessa first then and oh my needle shooter"

While Pel was going to rescue his friends, the outside was anything but calm. It was shocking to find that only five awakened were wreaking havoc.

Before Red came out, he had already lost more than fifty men which made him livid.

After the five awakened discovered that Red was the leader they paused and approached him without fear.

"So you're the idiot who messed with the general's son" a female among the awakened chuckled.

Red was confused. "I have no idea what you're talking about..." he frowned.

"It doesn't matter, surrender quickly, I'm on a tight schedule" a male awakened said.

"What makes you think that would happen?" Red summoned two fireballs.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" a pale-looking female awakened said as her eyes turned pure white.

Red felt the blood in the area of his right arm boiling and the next moment it imploded causing blood, flesh and bones to fly everywhere.


Red huffed as he stared at the female with nothing but fear in his eyes. "You're...a variant" he muttered and he felt his heart raging in his chest.

* * *

Pel quickly found the room where Tessa was locked. After eliminating the guards, he approached the metal door.

"Is this supposed to be a lock, what will I not see in this God-forbidden planet" he sighed before breaking the lock open and then entered.

Tessa was cuddling her knee in a corner and Pel could hear muffled sobs coming from her.

He was surprised because his impression of Tessa was something very different but also everyone had their fair share of problems, it wasn't his business.

"There's no need to shed tears young earthling. I have come to save you, in human terms, I am your hero" Pel smiled.

Tessa raised her head and was both surprised and shocked before a little embarrassment crept in. She quickly wiped her tears off her face and started at Pel with a serious expression. "How come you're here?"

"Well you are most welcome" Pel said sarcastically.

Tessa almost chuckled. "Thank you for breaking me out then, where are the others"

"I was going to them after I broke you out" Pel said.

"What about my brothers?" Tessa asked.

"They probably won't have time for us any time soon" Pel shrugged.

They then left to go save the others and on the way, Pel took the initiative to eliminate whoever saw them by mistake.

Although Tessa said nothing, Pel could tell she was uncomfortable but he cared little about it, besides they had no time to talk about it anyway.

After a few more deaths they finally reach the room where the others were being held.