Make Her A Student

"Thank you for helping Ito evolve, I'll let the thing about my shield go and now we're even" Pel turned to Crista.

The latter could hear styrenes going off in her head and she panicked, her glow intensified, making the clothes she was wearing disappear again. "Are you leaving?"

Pel avoided looking at her body and replied. "My task is complete so I do have to return to the academy"

"Can I go with you?" Crista asked with hopeful eyes. "Please"

"Why do you want to come with me?"

"I destroy everything and cannot concentrate on learning how to control my ability unless I'm given a breathing space" Crista said with her head bowed.

"And you're implying that I am your breathing space?" Pel asked.

"I...can't hurt you"

"Look...I can't just bring you with me there are too many unnecessary consequences involved. Like you said your powers are out of control so basically, you're dangerous to anyone that is not me" Pel explained.

"I promise I will always be with you"

Pel did not notice the strangeness of her statement and sighed. "You simply didn't understand. Firstly you going about naked is a problem and let's not forget you're of the other gender, even on Nodard males and females don't share a room unless it is important. And lastly, I am not trying to undermine you but you have no use to me"

Crista's eyes welled up but she did not make a sound and only stared at Pel without backing down.

Pel was completely and utterly speechless.

* * *

Meanwhile, the principal was in a meeting with several instructors.

"They still can't figure out the components used to make the ring" one of the instructors reported.

The principal massaged his temples with a frustrated sigh. Of course not all that glitter was gold, how did he ever think that hogging Pel to himself will be all sunshine and rainbow.

"It's fine, hopefully all this will be resolved next week"

* * *

In the Tolens' Mansion, several middle-aged and young people sat together discussing something with grim expressions.

"Even after all the pressure from the families that little girl Tulip refuses to tell us the kid's origin" a middle-aged man said furiously.

"The investigation was unsuccessful, how can someone with such a normal background create something like this" another man side holding a space ring.

"That reminds me, we have to change our plans I've received information that the other families are moving and will attend the ranking exam next week and their main aim is to tempt the boy or at least purchase these spatial rings in bulk"

"We would become a laughing stock if we allow them to move before us afterall Blue Oasis is under the Tolen family"

"You are still thinking small while new is starting to circulate in the army, I received a call and was asked when we decide to produce these space rings in bulk. It's laughable, we can't even figure out the material used to make the goddamn thing"

One of the middle-aged men then turned to the young man sitting at the far end. "Has Damien contacted you lately?"

"No elder" the young man shook his head.

"That useless fool, you only ever see him when he needs something. Contact him when you get back, if I do not see space rings by the end of tomorrow he will be moved to another branch where he won't be able to take advantage of his parents"

The young man nodded solemnly.

Damien who was currently in the bathroom suddenly felt a chill course down his spine. "What is going on?"

* * *

After much begging Pel could not take it anymore and had to agree convincing himself that Ito might be able to evolve further with her help.

In other to prevent any accidents Pel had to hold her hand on the way back to the Academy but a problem arouse since she had no watch.

Instructor Clinton was busy when someone came to ask for him. "What happened?"

"Sir a student called Pel is asking for you?"

Clinton's lips twitched. "Him again, what happened this time?"

Some moments later

He walled into the waiting room and saw Pel holding a girl's hand. 'What are these young people up to?'

"Instructor Clinton" Pel greeted after he noticed him.

"What's wrong Pel?" Clinton asked with a confused expression.

"I need to get her into the academy as a registered student" Pel said.

The instructor frowned and resisted the urge to slap Pel across the face. 'Does he take me as his servant or he thinks this is his house where he can do whatever he wants'

"Can you explain"

"I need her to become a student so she can get into the academy or you can release the restriction"

The instructor took a deep breath to calm his mind. "Who is she?"

"Uh...I found her" Pel answered a bit awkwardly making the instructor speechless.

"Every student must take the entrance exam" he explained still at loss for words.

"But I did not" Pel raised a brow.

"Your case is different, your talent grants you direct entry" the instructor said.

"I'm pretty sure she has enough talent to get a direct entry as well, and besides I don't think your testing device is strong enough to determine her ability" Pel shrugged.

Instructor Clintin stared at him not knowing how to respond. "It is still important to know what her ability is"

Pel raised a brow. "Are you sure I can tell that device is scarce by how many you have losing one should be a big blow but if you still insist then...go on"

The instructor raised a brow and stared at the girl. 'Her ability can destroy the device' he conclude that Pel was crazy.

Without delaying he then led Pel and Crista to the teasing hall where the entrance exam was usually held. There were few instructors there and after noticing the three of them they decided to stay and watch.

Crista was feeling nervous and gripped Pel's hand tighter while Ito continued to absorb her energy to prevent her from glowing again.