
"Do you know everyone keeps using you as an example now" Des grumbled.

"Tell me about it, even I can't take it anymore" Winx complained with a frown.

"Tch, there's no need to rub it in" Tulip said with her lips twitching. "And I did not even know about this until I was called again"

"It's getting frequent with you" Fizz chuckled and Tulip could not help but helplessly sigh.

"Still the boy is gaining too much attention" Grace said seriously.

"Believe me, it could get worse" Tulip gulped down a glass of juice.

The others did not understand what she meant but they did not ask.

"Can we see the ring?" Des asked with bright eyes.

Tulip shrugged and brought out the ring in her pocket after which she gave it to him.

"Wow, it's still unbelievable that he made this ring...I heard the components couldn't be identified...What did he make them with" Des speculated.

Tulip's expression turned serious. 'He must have used the materials available on his planet...what part of lay low relies he not understand?'

"Will there be any trouble?" she asked.

"How should I know?" Des shrugged. "If anything he will be questioned at most and I think they're still being careful since his background is so normal it looks fabricated"

"Yeah I thought the same thing" Grace said.

"The boy will be able to handle himself besides he has Tulip as a backer" Fizz said. "By the way, when are you gonna ask him to make some for us as well?"

"It's not free" Tulip scoffed.

Fizz chuckled. "We won't cheat him...oh how is the conversion rate for Credit to Merit Points?"

"I think it's 1:100" Des muttered with his hand on his chin.

Fizz nodded and then winked at Tulip who rolled her eyes.

"I suggest we meet with him in person to collect the ring" Winx suddenly said and Tulip at once understood her intentions.

"You still haven't given up?"

"What can I say, he's too good for you" Winx grinned.

"You're pale enough, handling someone like Pel would cause you to turn transparent" Tulip rolled her eyes.

"Ouch..that burned" Des mouth with a chuckle.

"Shut your trap" Winx glared at him.

"All five of us going to meet an awakened teenager is too much and I don't have that much time" Fizz said and most of them agreed.

"I'll just make a call then" Tulip decided.

* * *

After checking through some material, Pel gave up...it would be too much of a waste since he had no way to restock currently.

"Don't worry, I'll go through the production process of high-quality suits on this planet and hopefully I'll be able to make something with the resources available" Pel said.

"It's fine" Crista smiled.

Someone suddenly barged in and Pel couldn't help but frown. Starting at them, pel recognized two, the third one however was someone he hadn't met before.

"Go on, apologize immediately" the third person said.

"What is going on here?" Pel asked with a deep frown.

Tobias and Josh then got on their knees. "We're very sorry for how we behaved before please forgive us...what we did had nothing to do with the young master...we were acting of our own accord"

Then the third person who was probably the one being referred to as young master spoke up. "You see it had nothing to do with me so can you please sell me the rings"

Pel's face twitched. "The rings are in the mission hall...you can get one there with 100MP"

"I know, I came here because of the limit you set on it...I can only come to you directly if I want to buy in large quantities" Damien said.

"How many do you want?" Pel raised a brow.

"About fifty or so..." Damien said. Getting merit pints wasn't a difficult task for him but if he could send those rings to his family the reward was way more than the price.

"Why would you want that much?"

"I'm taking it out of the Academy"

Pel thought about it for a moment. 'That is good...perhaps I should make Kingsley my middle man in his academy' he then turned to Damien who was still trying his best to keep his fake smile. "It's fine I guess"

Damien sighed in relief. What his brother said yesterday had scared the shit out of him and he dropped most of his anger against Pel to come see him.

"Thank you"

Pel nodded and gave him fifty rings while he transferred the amount to him.

"What about them?" Damien asked referring to Tobias and Josh.

"I don't hold grudges against lesser species unless they push me to do so" Pel said indifferently while Crista let out muffled sounds but from her mound shoulders it was apparent she was giggling.

Only then did Damien notice her, he was so worried that Pel might reject him again that he didn't notice her at first.

'So pretty' he gulped. Even the uniform she was wearing could not hide her curves. For a moment he forgot about Pel and only focused on Crista, moving close.

"Hi I'm Damien" he introduced calmly but the girl moved back as he approach making him pause and before he could continue, Pel was already in front of him with a tired expression masking his disgust.

"What? do you want to buy her too..."

Damien's eyes lit up immediately. "Is she for sale?"

Pel stared at the delusional young man and shook his head. "You're dead if you get close to her..." he warned seriously but Damien misunderstood where he was coming from, in fact every one of them did.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Damien frowned.

Pel felt his lips twitch. 'What is wrong with the people of earth?'

"Are you blind?...can't you see she's an acquaintance"

"Then why do you stop me?" Damien clenched his fist in fury.

"Fine, come at your own risk...hopefully the principal won't blame me for your death"

Damien's blood was boiling in anger, how much more this humiliation did he have to take because his family was interested in Pel? Respectfully he left the lab with Tobias and Josh his henchmen.