The Thoughts Of A Space Elementalist

After explaining and clarifying Crista's identity, seeing the fact that non of his roommates were ready to believe him, not even Owen, he ignored them and then lead Crista inside the spatial in his side of the room.

"She is gonna stay with you?" Owen asked with an incredulous expression.

"Is there a problem?" Pel paused, staring at their confused faces.

"How come to the rules don't apply to you? Why isn't the Academy stopping you from doing something so preposterous?" Gerald asked with wide eyes.

"I've met with the principal already"

Pel heard the three gasp and could not understand what was going on.

"And he let you?!!!" Owen felt his head spinning.

"Are you his illegitimate child?" Alivn muttered and Pel's gaze turned cold.

"Being a human is insult enough, don't address me as the offspring of one"

The three were confused and Gerald asked. "Why do you always speak like that?"

"Like what?"

"As if you're not human as well" Alivin answered with a frown.

"You guys should forget that..." Owen then turned to Crista. "Are you fine with this, this is the male dorm, how will you stay?"

"I...can't be apart from him" Crista said in a low tone making the others speechless.

Till now they were having the misconception that Pel might have forced the poor girl here but the girl now seemed to be in cohorts with him.

They turned to Pel each harboring different thoughts.

Since they were silent Pel stopped explaining himself and led Crista away. Of course, he still hadn't realized that a teenage boy with hormones might have difficulty sleeping beside a girl like Crista.

By morning Pelbhad dark circles under his eyes, through out the night he went through the information uploaded to his brain by Ito.

The disparity between humans and Kerkis we're much for instance he discovered that the birth of a human relied on intercourse between the male and the female and the females had to carry the offspring in the span of nine months.

For Kerki, childbirth was very different although that did not mean there were no intimate contacts. After a male and female Kerki had decided to form a family they meet with what humans might call doctors but not quite...these Kerkis were called Kejus.

With the 'nonax' extracted from the male and the 'ootax' from the female, a form is taken in the 'angelostax'

That was the basic info available to all Kerkis so suddenly learning a new way to procreate made him broaden his knowledge.

At least now he knew more about this race and also got to discover what his thing was for.

The next morning after classes he went straight to his lad. He had decided to start utilizing his ability to make the spatial rings which will increase production rate.

"Is there something I can help with?" Crista asked feeling a bit useless.

"Not at the moment but don't worry, I plan to utilize your energy dinner or later" Pel said and then turned to Ito. "How can I increase those stats? I refuse to be considered weak"

[Meditation will help refine the mana within you and make room for more]

"You mean sitting down and doing nothing? How would that help?" Pel asked with a furrowed.

[It is advised to meditate every once in a while and to increase your level host must to task related to exerting mana]

Pel frowned. "You mean using my weapons won't count?"


"I'm a Kerki I fight with my gadgets if I can't use them that's a problem"


[Weapons infused with mana can be counted]

"But I have no weapon infused with mana..." Pel smiled. "I'll just make them then, add that to the list of priorities"

"I still have to earn enough merit points enough to exchange for valid info" Pel said thoughtfully when a knock suddenly sounded on the door.

"I'll check who it is" Crista said and Pel nodded.

Two people were standing at the door, a male and a female.

"Hi...we're looking for Pel" the girl said.

Hearing the voice Pel knew it was Tessa and came over. "How may I help you?"

Tessa stared at both of them and did not say anything. "We're taking a group task and need lots of supplies but we've already used ours"

Pel understood and then transferred all the food they had gotten from the supermarket into three spatial rings. After that, he handed them to Tessa.

She collected it but looked hesitant as if she wanted to say something.

Pel did not ask and waited silently.

"Do you want to come along?" she eventually said.

Pel shook his head politely. "I can't right now"

Tessa nodded and left with Adam.

"Are you fine?" Adam asked Tessa who remained silent.

"If feels strange to behave like strangers..." she sighed. With the things that were happening in the academy, they were going farther apart.

Adam merely scoffed. "I honestly don't want anything to do with him?"

"Are you still hanging on to that?" Tessa frowned.

"It's different now..." Adam paused. "You guys won't understand, the only thing that made space elemetalist useful has been created into a have no idea what my ears pick up by mistake...even if I don't want to I can't help but hate him"

"But he's making life better for everyone" Tessa argued even if she understood where Adam was coming from.

"It's easy for you to say, you're not the one on the receiving end of the stick" Adam walked faster with a dark expression.

Meanwhile, Pel who had no idea what Adam's thought was continued working.

"Are they your friends?" Crista asked curiously.

"Sort of" Pel replied.

He then set everything in other for his clones to begin creating the ring while he moved away with Crista.

"Now let's see if I have any material that can resist your powers even if it's for a bit...after that, I can create a suit for you"