Plans To Level-Up

When they were about to enter, the instructor asked Crista to stay outside but Pel took her inside anyway.

If he had suggested she be left in the lab then Pel wouldn't have bothered much but here where anyone could pop up startling her, it would be a very stupid decision.

When they entered the first voice Pel heard was that of a lady.

"He already has enough pride to ignore our arrival"

Pel stared at her with a frown, he was originally going to greet them but kept quiet before turning to the principal.

"Why have you called me here?" Pel asked with a cold voice.

"Boy are you blind?" the lady asked again with a furious look on her face.

Pel slowly turned to her in slight disbelief. "Excuse me but I've never met you before.."

"It is a privilege for you to meet me now" she scoffed.

"Stop it Millcent" the man beside her said before turning to Pel.

"Are you Pel?"

"I am and who are you?" Pel asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Such blatant disrespect" the lady referred to as Millicent scoffed again.

Pel shot her a glare. "I've seen lower races trying to seek attention and I must say you are taking a very wrong approach"

Everyone was speechless and Crista pinched Pel slightly, even she felt that was a bit extreme.

Millicent's smile cracked and she released an aura on Pel causing the latter to feel suppressed and suffocated.

Crista who was standing close to Pel felt it too and her body reacted with a glow she couldn't control. And that glow resulted in the surrounding mana spiraling out of control creating a blast that sent everyone flying.

The two elders and Wilson stared at the duo with widened eyes.

Pel on the other hand was caught up in the realization that whatever Millicent did get past his shield. That did not stop him from paying attention to Crista.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm..." Crista bit her lips and looked downward, only then did Pel notice that she was once again naked.

He facepalmed and took her out of there instantly. "All that training was for nothing?"

"I'm sorry I didn't know..."

" no need to apologize, just put some clothes on..that will be helpful"

Meanwhile, the atmosphere in the room was anything but stable. After Chad dusted his clothes and healed himself he glared at Milicent.

"Are you a child now, you were there at the meeting, the boy's background is a mystery...are you trying to ruin Telons!!"

"Don't yell at me Chad I never wanted to come for this stupid assignment" Millicent frowned.

"We should all just calm down..." Willson said with a grim expression. He was thinking of ways to salvage the situation he was sent here to prevent such an outcome but he did not expect things to go so bad at the beginning.

* * *

~Yesterday in the Telon mansion~

"You called elder" Willson said, announcing his presence to an elderly man with noticeable wrinkles and a long beard.

"You will go with them tomorrow"

"Ah...but the assigned elders should be able to handle it right?" Willson said staring at the back of the elder.

The elder sighed. "We need a young one there and besides the background of the boy is unclear so it's better to be careful...who knows, there might be another family that has remained hidden since all this time"

"Is that why you are worked up elder?" Wilson asked with a serious expression.

The elder remained silent for a while. "The relationship between the families is fragile and so if we offend a powerful mysterious family there are many waiting to gobble us up"

* * *

"I'll go..." Wilson then walled out of the room with an exhausted sigh. 'Eler Milicent is so hot-tempered, what was the use of all that?'

Meanwhile, after Pel returned to his lab his expression turned serious. "Ito, what was that?"

[Surpression due to her aura. The host's level is low so the shield could not utilize the function of blocking the aura]

"So you mean I was bullied because of my low level? These humans won't even let me have peace...What is the fastest way to increase my level?"

[Hunting mana beasts will be the fastest...each achievement will be converted experience points that can help you level up]

"Isn't that too easy?"

[Points won't be assigned for beasts killed with Host's gadget]


"You mean I have to fight these unknown beasts, handicapped?!"

[Host is currently in possession of one ability]

Pel facepalmed and took a deep breath to calm his nerves. Looks like making mana weapons will have to move to the top of the list and also he had to find a new ability, if possible a destructive one.

'Maybe this is for the best...I should inform instructor Clinton about taking a leave'

"Crista, would you come or stay within the Academy?"

"Where are we going?" Crista asked confused.

"To your humble abode of course, I have to get a hang of this level-up thing"

At the end of the day, Pel decided not to inform the instructor and leave directly with Crista..but they bumped into Wilson on the way.

"Hi..." Wilson said enthusiastically, ignoring the incident that happened moments ago.

"We are not on friendly terms" Pel said coldly and was about to leave when Wilson blocked him.

"Look I'm sorry about what happened before but what we really came for was negotiating the blueprint for the space ring" Wilson explained with an honest expression.

Pel looked like he had heard the funniest joke in the world. "You are overestimating the ability of you humans"

"We humans?" Wilson asked with a smile, he thought it was a strange way to address someone.

"I am busy right I can't stay" Pel said.

Wilson smiled since he understood Pel was indirectly telling him to get out.

"If you do not want to sell the blueprint then we can negotiate something exclusively supplying to Telons"

"And why would I do such a thing?" Pel raised a brow, this fellow might look harmless but he was really hard to deal with.

Wilson then placed his hand in his pocket and brought out a small crystal embedded with a thick white substance and then handed it to Pel.

"What is this?" Pel asked curiously, Crista on the other hand held in her surprise.

"Why don't you check it out yourself" Wilson smirked confidently.

In this way, he was also trying to test Pel's knowledge since the fact that he was from a mysterious family was still just a speculation.

Even servants in the great families should be able to recognize the crystal so if Pel couldn't...