
After wandering about for a bit, they came across a cave, it was decorated so nicely, with stacked up leaves at the side which they guessed was a bed. It was obvious someone had taken that spot as their home.

"The owner should probably be a female right?" Pel asked Crista whose expression was a bit unreadable.

She did not reply although her silence was also a form of answer.

While they were both looking around they heard a noise coming from close by and decided to see what it was. Since he had a strong skill now he did not equip himself with his weapons.

After walking outside the cave they could hear mild chuckling but the culprit had concealed himself, only leaving behind the sound of rustled leaves as he swooshed by.

"Who is there?" Pel frowned.

It was still daytime so if the person was trying to be creepy, he was doing a pretty bad job.

Pel's words made the person stop and a shadow walked out from the trees. "Daring of you to ask such a question after trespassing in my territory" a rather angry-looking girl said.

Her clothes were made from animal skin and even though she looked haggard, there was not a single scar in her body.

"I can't believe someone takes pride in living in such an environment" Pel muttered but his words were loud enough for them to hear.

The girl frowned and her gaze turned icy. She blew a whistle with her mouth and in the confusion of Pel and Crista, a giant snake appeared behind her towering above them.

Perhaps she would have looked more imposing if Pel's statement didn't follow.

"What creature is this now? Although it's not as disgusting as the bug, with no limbs it looks so weird... how many more wired things are on the planet?"

"You think this is a joke?" the girl puffed her cheeks angrily.

"You really don't look fierce at all" Pel said seriously, shaking his head.

"Who are you?!" she asked again with a cold tone.

"I'm Pel..."

'What kind of weird name is that, are his parents so lazy that they just gave him a three-letter word with no meaning?' she inwardly thought before turning back to them. "Then what do you want?"

"What do you have to offer?" Pel asked nonchalantly and the girl's eyes turn to slit.

Before things could aggravate, Crista interfered. "Actually we came here by mistake"

"How so?" the girl asked, still glaring at Pel.

Crista then explained how they entered the teleportation array without even noticing and the girl's expression loosened a bit.

"From your words then you're both from the surface" the girl said. "I'm Rosabeth"

"I'm Crista...why are you living here?"

"Because this is my home" Rosabeth answered straightforwardly before turning to her snake. "You should go back, you've grown too big and can't fit into my cave anymore"

The snake brought its head low and rubbed it against Rosabeth's before it left.

"Is that your Pet?" Pel asked as he followed behind her.

"Snake is my friend" she replied without turning to him.

"Ito said the creature is a snake..." seeing that she did not respond he continued. "And you named it snake?"

"What's wrong with that?" she asked with a frown.

Pel shook his head. 'It seems I'm a professor at naming things, I just didn't realize it until now'

Rosabeth brought them inside the car and offered them two cups of water. They were made of wood and from the rough surface, one would guess that she made them but at least she made them look presentable by covering most parts with flowers.

The water inside the cup was clear, well at least to the naked eye. Pet took the cup but did not drink. Crista on the other hand drank it since anything taken in by her would become energy before reaching halfway down the digestion process.

Even though she made the place look nice, the living condition of this place was far from good, and it made Pel wonder why she would live in such a place but he put off the question for now and asked the one he considered most important.

"What did you mean by surface"

"This is the Realm Of Cultivators and we call the other part of the world surface...You two are awakened, looks like magic has seeped into the surface" Rosabeth said uncertainly. 'If that is true then this array should start to weaken. The faster I exhaust its powers the faster I get out of here'

"You mean QI" Pel raised a brow.

Rosabeth laughed for a while before calming down. "You are sort of right, but wrong, extremely wrong..."

"QI here is spiritual essence used by cultivators while mana is used by ordinary elementalists...You have awakened both but the spiritual essence in you is not foreign so, you must have activated your root here"

Pel pretty much understood her meaning. As of yet, there was no spiritual essence where they came from so they could not say there was QI.

"How come you know all these?" Pel asked.

"It's common knowledge"

"Okay next question, why are you living alone?"

Rosabeth frowned. "That is not your business"

Pel shrugged. "Last question, is this mountain yours?"

"Yes" Rosabeth said, staring suspiciously at Pel who nodded.

"Although I think that is a lie, since there's no one to verify I'll buy it anyway. Are you aware, this is a spirit stone mine?"

"Sure, do you want it?"

Pel paused and observed her expression and she did not seem to be joking. 'Is the spirit stone not useful?'

"What do you want?"

"What do you have to offer?" Rosabeth smiled and Pel scoffed. She was using his words back at him

"I can at least offer you a better life"

Rosabeth's expression immediately turned ugly. "You can keep your better life, how dare you look down on a cultivator?"

Pel was not impressed and after thinking for a bit he brought out some of the daily necessities he had. Like mouth bubbles, water spray, and some of the snacks he still had with him.

Seeing those things appear from nowhere, Rosabeth was shocked. "You have a spatial item... impossible, how can your rundown place possess an Armament master?"

"How can you call where you've never been, rundown?" Pel massaged his temples and gave her the items. "Just take this for now, you can decide on a compensation after you've thought about it"

When he stood up, Rosabeth also stood up. "You're leaving?"

"Is there something else?" Pel asked.

Rosabeth remained silent. She couldn't possibly tell him that she hadn't seen people for ten years and wanted them to stay so she came up with a better excuse.

"You might as well use this opportunity to cultivate so you'll increase in rank..." she suddenly paused. "Hold on a sec, how do you plan on getting out of here?"

She has been stuck for ten years, so how could it possibly be easy for them to leave?

"As long as we are on the same planet, I can teleport back to where I've been...but you're right, I should use this chance to get stronger" after saying that, he sat down in position and closed his eyes.

Rosabeth was speechless but after watching his for a while, her speechlessness turned to shock.