Let's Cook

Crista could not understand the reason behind Rosabeth's expression and the latter did not plan on explaining either.

'He has seven roots, practically a heaven's born like me...if I have his help when this place finally crumbles apart then...' she buried the rest of her thoughts within her heart.

Pel cultivated for a few more hours before he opened his eyes. Although he did not advance, Rosabeth could tell he was close, his speed was terrifying and with him being an elemtalist, his existence was nothing short of heaven-defying.

"I can bring you to a place to gain fighting experience"

"You're being overly nice" Pel said with a straight face.

"What do you want then, for me to throw you out?" Rosabeth rolled her eyes. "Come if you want and try to keep up. Don't get lost"

Seeing her running off, Pel shook his head and brought out two hover rings. After giving the other one to Crista he lifted off.

"Ito, do you have her life signs registered?"

[Yes host]

Ito then led the way. Rosabeth was fast but with her life signs, Pel was able to track her every movement.

Seeing nobody running behind, Rosabeth frowned and stopped. 'Did those two really get lost?'

Just as she was about to go look for them, they landed in front of her and she stared at them in surprise. 'Both of them have the ability of flight? is that normal?'

"Was that your ability?" Rosabeth asked.

"This situation feels familiar...anyway no" Pel responded.

"Then how could you fly?" she stared at them. 'The array restricts even a Divinity like me, who are you to show off?'

Pel then gave her his hover ring and explained its functions.

"How did you get your hands on something like this?" Elisabeth asked.

"I made it" Pel rolled his eyes and took back the ring.

Rosabeth glared at him but did not say anything. She kept her thoughts to herself. There were different professions in the cultivation realm, but that did not mean it was easy to learn.

Pel looked not much older than she was and yet he crafted a ring that defied gravity without even an ounce of spiritual essence.

'Right, not a single spiritual essence, how did he make the ring?' she started suspiciously at Pel. Together with the fact that he was from the surface, she concluded that he was lying to her.

Pel ignored her thought and asked Ito to navigate through the mountains in order to save time and following the path lead by Ito they noticed a pack of wolves.

"We have to go back" Rosabeth whispered with great urgency.

"Why? you said I can gain experience here" Pel raised a brow.

"More like death...." she was about to continue when her expression turned ghastly pale and she no longer paid attention to Pel.

In a matter of seconds, they were surrounded and the presence the wolves were giving off made Pel feel like his life was hanging on a thread so without being told twice he equipped himself with two laser guns but his expression changed with the following notification.


—A pack of wolves, a team of three, ascertain dominance on the other party by gaining an overwhelming victory without using manaless weapons.

—Reward: ???

—Punishment: ???

Pel's lips were agape as he stared at Ito but the latter looked so calm that Pel felt his anger overflowing and turning to the wolves he let his rage turn wild.

Asking a Kerki to fight without weapons is one thing but in a situation like the current Pel's simply couldn't bear that things created by his own hands had been deemed useless.

"Since when were there three humans around?" the biggest wolf standing at the side asked. Though it asked in a simple tone, its eyes and the eyes of the others showed that he had no intention of letting them go.

Pel on the other hand completely ignored the wired scene of the talking creature and unleashed Flaming Spectrum sending out two fire attacks toward the wolf that had spoken before.

There was a blast but after the sample had dissipated, the wolf was still standing and the only evidence of the attack was the ground it was standing on and the unbridled hatred in his eyes.

"Well that played out differently inside my mind" Pel said with a subtle frown.

Rosabeth stared at him as of he was an idiot. She has initially planned to talk their way out but since Pel had already initiated their attack, there was no turning.

'The scale of that attack was even more powerful than I imagined but it resisted it without taking any damage. It's either insanely strong or my attack was off...I'm leaning towards the former and hopefully, the rest wouldn't be just as strong'

"Scatter...and Crista control your powers" after saying that he sent out more flaming spectrum but this time towards the other wolves.

The others dodged it and only one got hit and his condition was critical with two severed limbs and an injured eye coupled with burned flesh and broken bones.

'That was probably a critical hit'

Pel did not wait to inspect how bad the injury was and took off running. 'I was right...the first wolf must be on another level of strength but why is the difference so huge?'

On Rosabeth's end, she felt like killing Pel herself. The idiot had suddenly asked them to scatter and every single plan she had come up with had become useless and now she was being caused by two wolves from the pack.

After making sure that she was a bit far from the others she stopped and turned to the wolves. "Looks like your alpha failed to mention why it was important to stay away from me"

When the words left her lips, it was as if time had frozen and she kept moving her hand in the air, making strange signs before meeting the wolves head-on.

Every of their attack looked to be narrowly avoided but on a closer look she had not taken a single hit and all she did was go around them while making strange signs with her hand.

She again paused her actions and created a distance away from the wolves who were still relentlessly trying to get hold of her.

"Now everything has been prepared, let's cook"