
"Did you really ask what I am doing here...oh fuck you Pel you're making my life difficult" Tulip said feeling extremely frustrated. "Come with me"

Pel did not say anything and went with her. She made a car appear from her space ring and they all entered.

"You will be brought into custody" she eventually sighed.

"That's for sure" Pel replied indifferently.

Tulip was speechless. "If you knew that then why the hell did you cause such a thing"

"Because I'm not someone your government can afford to mess with" Pel said with a stern expression. "Your race isn't even in the Universal log and I'm sure you wouldn't make it to the top 500. And from what I've seen the only good thing on this planet appeared after it evolved otherwise you have nothing to offer"

"I'm a Kerki...sure we value respect because we deal with a lot of clients but we're ranked 15th on the universal log...and we're that low because we are pacifists but...that doesn't mean we take shit lying down"

"Good you even say shit now" Tulip scoffed driving at a speed that made Crista give up on opening her eyes.

"You're focusing on something irrelevant're taking this too lightly"

Tulip matched the break and Pel almost appeared in the front seat. "Sure...blow up the freaking planet!! is that enough to appease you, your Majesty?"

Seeing the way she was panting...Pel was confused, wasn't he the one who was supposed to be upset? why was she angry then?

"Look Pel...I know you can't take it, and I won't be able to either but humans aren't that have a girlfriend for crying out loud"

Pel stared at her with dead eyes. "Crista is not my girlfriend"

"Fine fine...the thing is no one knows you are a Kerki, so stop talking about respect and stuff...for now you are a human, you have to behave like one...or at least don't blow them or turn them to dust whenever you're angry"

"I don't think Pel would kill without a valid reason" Crista said softly.

Tulip sighed and just continued driving. The car was silent until she finally came to a stop and someone was waiting there anxiously.

"Kingsley?" Pel said in surprise.

"Hey Pel" Kingsley then turned to Tulip. "I saw your test what happened?"

"Hope you took a long break cause you're not leaving until you turn this guy into a human" Tulip did not give away any more details and walled away still fuming.

Kingsley turned to Crista and Pel, blinking in confusion. 'What in the world is going on and how am I even dragged into it

* * *

Bruce's phone had been ringing nonstop, he had already answered a few calls but there was no end to it. "Do these people think I don't have a life?" he fumed.

His other phone rang and seeing the number he couldn't help but scoff. "Daughter of mine, even if I disown you, you will never let me go will you?"

"I didn't do anything" Tulip massaged her temples in frustration. "Anyway forget that, how are Telons reacting to this?"

"They wanna use you to cover up" Bruce said with a cold smile and Tulip did not reply for a while.

"What's your plan old man?"

"Since he already hit them more my daughter isn't someone they can use as a scapegoat"

Seeing the call has ended, Tulip played with the phone while thinking...her dad must be very upset to suggest something like that or he just wanted to know Pel's limit either meant he was gonna help.

* * *

Meanwhile, Kingsley was staring at Pel with a dumbfounded expression. "You...what the hell did you do?"

"No wonder Tulip looked like she could only be appeased by a sacrificial lamb" he frowned. "So what's the plan?"

"I nearly missed my mark, I'm not here to exploration"...I have three to four years at most to sort things out before getting out of this planet.

"What are you even..."

Tulip walked in and she looked a lot more calmer than before and she was reading something through her phone. "Okay...I got bad news and worse news...which one do you wanna hear first?"

"Say whatever comes to your mind" Pel said indifferently.

Tulip turned to Crista. "You can step out if you don't wanna get involved"

"I'm already involved..." Crista couldn't say she was scared since as of now she was practically indestructible.

Tulip stared at her for a little longer without giving any comment.

"Then Pel, no one is coming for you yet...reason being the Telons don't wanna get the government involved much...but their reputation has been hit hard so for now we can say they're just being cautious"

"No one knows how long that will last" Kingsley said.

"Correct..." Tulip said before turning to Pel. "So you gotta hit them a little bit more so they will drop the entire thing"

* * *

In the room he was given Pel once again went through the files Tulip had sent to him. Kingsley was mostly against fighting fire with fire but Pel was sure if he knew what was in these files he'd be the first to make a move.

Tulip said he had to take action in two days and he was moving alone...that didn't bother him much but he has to start taking things seriously meaning he had to fill up his ability before those two days.

He clenched his fist...and kept Krent's shield away before equipping one made by his dad.

He then made his five clones appear and experimented. Like he expected they still couldn't speak but each one was gaining a personality he couldn't understand yet.

He still had to evaluate how important those spirit stones were and besides, he wasn't sleepy at all so he stood up and went to Tulip's room.

With Ito showing the way, her room wasn't that hard to find.

Tulip had just gotten into her nightgown, ready to hit the sack when she heard a knock. After opening the door she found Pel standing in front of her with a serious expression.

"I need a space to work"
