Marc - I

***MARC POV***

That day I heard that the barbarians and ruthless hunters out there were allying to destroy lands inhabited by nonhuman beings. Like us, the werewolves, witches, banshees, vampires, and many more.

Here in Alras, we all coexist peacefully. Perhaps, that's why the barbarians and hunters made Alras, especially the Xaera Kingdom, the main destination, as I heard from the royal dignitaries, including my father, King Cedric.

Reportedly, the barbarians and hunters had destroyed more than half of Mimora; the lands bordering quite close to Alras, as well as Chester; a land ruled by werewolf figs. Just Severn, a land controlled by vampires that they cannot master because of the defence and abilities of the vampires in that land no one can compare, let alone resist.

I accidentally overheard a conversation between Luis and Sebastian when they returned from a spying assignment ordered by my father. Perhaps, they accidentally talked about the sensitive matter on the palace grounds when they entered the building where the king's family lived.

They say that the barbarians and hunters had arrived at the entrance to Alras with the help of someone who betrayed Xaera. Luis and Sebastian even expressed some of their concerns, one of which was that the number of soldiers we had was not comparable to that of the barbarians. They are very much. Too much. These two confidants of my father had even prepared for the worst possible outcome if we lost, one of which kept me away from this land.

I've heard it hundreds of times from mom and dad. Ever since I was 8 years old, they've always said that they'd never allowed me to participate in a war one day because the curse of the covenants made by our ancestors would immediately stick with me.

I was never allowed to participate in a war. As far as everyone knows, I have always been obedient. Before the news broke of the arrival of the barbarians and hunters, I had participated in several wars that our people did to get a comfortable life as it is today. I disguised myself as a soldier without anyone knowing, including Luis and Sebastian.

So, do I have to do the same this time?

Before realizing everything, the first thing I have to do is to pursue Luis and Sebastian. Ask them about the situation before they tell my father and mother everything. Unfortunately, Genevieve's voice distracted me when I was about to chase them.

I spontaneously turned around and followed in the direction her voice came from. Her laugh was so loud but still elegant and made me smile spontaneously. I'm sure she was joking with my father's soldiers training in the open field behind the palace. Unfortunately, I quickly gave up my intention to approach Genevieve when I accidentally heard the other person alluding to Genevieve's relationship with Luis, the king's right-hand, who was also my uncle.

I ignored her laughter that came back to my hearing. I'm sure, at the moment, dad is talking about war plans with two of his confidants. I rushed to climb the huge posts connecting the ground floor with the king's study room, whose windows were wide open.

I came in time. When my father, Luis, and Sebastian were talking about all the bad possibilities that would happen if they lost the war and if I took part itself.

"Look, cousin," Luis spoke. "Ilaria and Marc have come first to know all the chaos and wars around Alras. Marc knows much more about all the developments out there than the two of us. When we arrived from our others duty, Marc asked to be included in the war."

True. I was even the first to know the great chaos that befell the two lands opposite us.

"Oh, no, Luis!" King Cedric refuted Luis's remarks. "You two certainly know what will happen if my son joins the war. If we... if we lose on the battlefield—"

"I won't lose, father!" I returned dad's remark.

They were surprised to witness my sudden arrival and even tended to be disrespectful. Sneaked in through the window, having taken the trouble to climb its slippery walls.

"I'm an Alpha, a wolf, just like you guys," I affirmed who I am in a loud voice after jumping over the window sills and occupying my father's empty work chair.

"This chair is comfortable," I spontaneously commented on the sense of comfort I felt when I occupied my father's chair. "No wonder you are much happier to spend your time here than in the room with mom."

We talked a little bit. Although fed up, I tried to listen several times, disproved, even ignoring what they were so convinced of, especially about death and curses.

"Stop offending about death, father." I got up from the chair and invited my father to sit down. "Are you planning to lose the war against the barbarians?"

"No." my father replied in a loud voice. He shook his head. "Of course not."

"Good!" I retorted. "Then, participate me in the war, father."

No answer to my request. Everyone was tight-lipped. I disappointed. It feels sickening. It's always been like this. Do they think of me as a daughter? It's really hard to get what I want. My wiggle room is restricted if it deals with war, let alone empires. One day in the future, it must be me who replaced my father, as he said. Then, how can I be his successor if it never goes down directly on the battlefield alone? How can I stand up for the welfare of my people if fighting for them alone never gets space? Hard-luck. I wanted to get angry but couldn't do it. At least for now, I can still bear that anger.

The breeze that broke in through the open window seemed to call me to leave the closed discussion behind. I realized I was never invited. Without saying anything, I hurried to leave my father's study room. Walked through the long passages connecting the king's study room with the palace hall and open field that the entire royal staff often used as a place to exercise their abilities.

I was pensive when I was in the middle of the intersection. Either the hallway on the right, towards the field or the passage on the left, to the palace hall, which is commonly used for meetings and banquets of major events.

"Come with me!"

I heard Genevieve calling. Asking me to come with her and entered the hallway to her right.

"You're teasing me, witch?" I deliberately taunted Genevieve.

She has always hated being called a witch. She cupped her pretty brown eyeballs while clucking in annoyance. What else can't it be? I can't say that I liked how she tossed her reddish-blonde hair in her pretty way. She's Luis' girlfriend. My uncle's girlfriend. Where can I show my admiration for her blatantly? That's all I can do, a little bit of a long talk to her.

"You're angry?" the girl asked spontaneously.

It seemed that Genevieve heard voices of anger in me that I was trying to dampen. I almost forgot that I was dealing with a great summoner. The only summoner left and the one we have. Can always call anything. She also hears whatever she wants to hear. I couldn't hide anything from her, including my feelings for her. She knew it.

We had a bit of a disagreement about why dad didn't include me in a potentially defeated war this time around when we arrived in the open field. Many werewolves were training, preparing themselves to participate in the war. I led Genevieve to sit on the edge of the area. Genevieve seemed to always agree with my father's decision, but I didn't. Never will.

She held my hand with a smile and said, "You're all we can rely on if—"

It seemed that she knew something was going to happen. I frowned at her spontaneous remarks I cut off her sentences. "If my parents lose the war? My mother is a woman. She was even included in the war, Maven."

I spontaneously turned my face and gazed away from Genevieve. Then slowly looked back at her after throwing away the suffocating heavy breath in my chest. "Do I look weaker than girls?" I asked spontaneously.

Genevieve blinked her brown eyes, then wrathed. "You're much stronger than anyone else, Your Highness."

"I'm more glad you call me Alpha stupid, Maven. It was hilarious to hear Genevieve call me that way. Like most people, you give me goosebumps if you call me that." I chuckled softly.

"Marc?" Genevieve changed the way she spoke and looked at me.

I was suddenly nervous to hear her call my name. Even the way she looked at me made me secretly swallow hard. It seemed that Genevieve knew my fear and anger, which I was trying to hide from anyone. Genevieve's lips trembled as she opened to shed a few words. She was as nervous as I was.

"If you lose, you will be struck by a curse. If you live, you will forever be shackled—all your life. But if—"

Again Genevieve could not finish her remarks. I stopped her. Cut off her statements.  I just want to clasp her hand. I don't think Luis would be angry if he saw me do it. Luis also knew that I and Genevieve were indeed good friends.

"Just pray for two possibilities for me, Maven," I told her. "First, if I die, there will be no curse attached to me or this country. Secondly, pray for me also all the warriors in this land to win against those terrible barbarians and hunters."

Genevieve gave me a loyal nod. "Blessed every step and all the paths you choose, Alpha Marc," she said half in a whisper.

In the name of the Moon Goddess, I will express my feelings for Genevieve if we all survive the war. if she came back with a smile. Yes, we are. I planned to break into the battlefield in disguise, as I had done in the past.