The Cause

Julien's breath caught. Julien even swallowed his saliva nervously.

Julien had almost forgotten that Marc lived in those days. 

When something big is about to happen that will cause between the living beings in the land of Alras, those with unique powers or those who are blessed must sacrifice themselves under the sacred Oakencrown tree.

Julien was sure that Marc suspected something. But this wasn't the right time to tell Marc anything behind Regina and Theodor's deaths. Because the main star of Julien's story today is Thea, his niece. Daughter of his late brother Theodor and Regina.

"I can't tell you about it right now, sorry, Marc," Julien said quietly but firmly.

Mark nodded in agreement. 

It's not the time to ask about anything else. Mark said in his heart.

Julien took a deep breath before continuing, while Marc just sat quietly and waited for Julien to speak again.