
"Tell me what your choice is, Thea Ilaria Maven?"

Thea's heart throbbed in pain as she heard Julien say her full name as she glared at him.

Julien was rarely angry at Thea, and what Thea witnessed right now was the first time. It wasn't just her parents who, when mad, would call Thea by her full name, Esme, either. Even now, for the first time, Julien had just done it.

After finding the answer, Thea let go of her arm. Wrapped it around Holly's, the Doctor was also a close friend of Julien's whom Julien had previously asked to come to treat Marc.

Thea took the time to turn and smile at Holly before gently pushing Holly to stand close to Julien.

"You guys can go check on Esme's condition," Thea said misguided before walking off to her study.