Mixed Feeling - II

"What do you need?" asked Thea. Her voice was high and strong.

Marc smiled awkwardly, then replied, "I'm hungry."

"I'm not hungry."

"Can you make something to eat?" Marc disregarded Thea's response. "It's past dinnertime."

Thea took a step back and turned to the right. Thea fixed her gaze on the numbers on the large digital clock on the wall above the television for two seconds. 08.00 PM.

Thea shut the door and dashed into the kitchen, Marc close behind her.

Thea opened the refrigerator and examined the food ingredients the villa manager provided.

"What kind of food do you like?" When Thea noticed a piece of raw sirloin in the freezer and potatoes, carrots, and peas in the vegetable box, she inquired.

"I'll eat whatever you make," Marc replied with a small smile.