Early In The Morning

Early in the morning, Thea took a shower. Somehow last night's events made Thea feel hot and hot when she opened her eyes at six o'clock when the sun hadn't even come out yet, and the autumn air at that time should have made her shiver when she had to wash her body with cold water.

Thea tried to smile when she looked at her reflection in the mirror; unfortunately, a notification that entered her cellphone managed to make Thea's efforts to be a cheerful person since the morning managed to make Thea pursed her lips in annoyance.

Some information about Marc's photo is still circulating on the internet. The content of the news is too diverse. Even in several forums and news portals, there are many annoying and flirtatious comments from accounts owned by teenage women to adults. And somehow, Thea was upset about it.

Without considering all sorts of things, Thea rushes into another room, looking for Marc, who usually only goes to bed in the morning.